How does the Cornea work, Biology

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How does the Cornea work, I heard that it is like a motor, however i''m not too sure... because a motor is in vehicle and has piston, and the Cornea is in our eyes and... Well doesn''t have pistons.How does the Cornea work, I heard that it is like a motor, however i''m not too sure... because a motor is in vehicle and has piston, and the Cornea is in our eyes and... Well doesn''t have pistons.How does the Cornea work, I heard that it is like a motor, however i''m not too sure... because a motor is in vehicle and has piston, and the Cornea is in our eyes and... Well doesn''t have pistons.How does the Cornea work, I heard that it is like a motor, however i''m not too sure... because a motor is in vehicle and has piston, and the Cornea is in our eyes and... Well doesn''t have pistons.

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