Eax and ax register, Assembly Language

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MyLocation SDWORD 14
TheTest        SDWORD 8

    mov    eax,MyLocation
    mov    ebx,TheTest
    neg     eax,ebx
    sub     eax,ebx

Show exactly what lives in eax after execution of the above code (Hint: Answer in hex pairs).

TestArray     WORD    3 DUP         (0), 5,6,7
    Test1    DWORD    LENGTHOF    TestArray
    Test2    DWORD    TYPE            TestArray
    Test3    DWORD    SIZEOF        TestArray

Show exactly what lives in Test1, Test2 and Test3 after execution of the above code. (Hint: Answer each as hex pairs).

TheArray WORD   A1h, B2h, C3h, D4h

    mov eax, 0
    mov ax, [TheArray+6]

Show exactly what lives in ax after execution of the above code. (Hint: Answer in hex pairs).

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