Implementing design thinking in established organisations

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM132196859 , Length: 1500 Words

Task Description

At the start of term, you are required to join a team (3-5 students per team). Throughout the term, teams will undertake the following activities:

• identify a problem that could be addressed/improved through Design Thinking (the problem may be of a social, service, commercial or digital nature);

• use Design Thinking tools, techniques and mind-set to develop ideas for innovations that address/improve the problem you have identified;

• consider future steps to launch the innovative solution;

• present the Design Thinking process that you have applied to identify the problem and achieve the innovative solution; and

• develop a written report critically discussing the challenges of implementing Design Thinking in established organisations.

You will have the opportunity to experience and apply relevant tools and techniques throughout the term and you are STRONGLY encouraged to actively and creatively make use of opportunities provided in-class (on-campus students) and online (distance students) to practice and refine your Design Thinking skills and solutions.

This is a GROUP assessment that consists of two components:

• Oral presentation of Design Thinking process

• Written report, critically discussing the challenges of implementing the Design Thinking process in established organisations

The presentation looks to the past in that it should report on the Design Thinking activities your team has carried out to get to the innovative solution(s) you have incubated - there is no maximum of activities you should carry out as this depends upon how you progress your innovation and whether you have repeated some activities multiple times. However, as an absolute minimum, you are expected to report on 10 activities as per the prescribed textbook.

Your presentation must cover the following:

1. What you have done (activities);
2. What the outcomes of these activities were;
3. What outcome(s) you chose and why;
4. Where - within the Design Thinking process - you are at the point of presenting.

You should ensure that you go beyond purely describing the activities and instead include some critical evaluation of the tools' merit to your particular Design Thinking process. The description of activities, tools and techniques requires references to relevant literature and evidence of your involvement with these activities. You can evidence this, for instance, by including photographs of your activities that you should be compiling for your blog in assessment 3 anyway, but please remember that this group report deals with your ACTIVITIES and their OUTCOMES, not with the REFLECTIONS on your personal learning - the latter is the content of assessment 3. An absolute minimum of 8 academic references is required.

Presentations should be between 13 and 15 minutes in duration - presenters will be stopped if they go over the 15 minute mark. Each team member should contribute roughly equally. Presentations should make use of PowerPoint slides, which have to be submitted via Moodle. Prezi or other approaches are only permitted with PRIOR approval from the unit co-ordinator. You are encouraged to utilise other visual aids (printed diagrams, prototypes, etc.) to support your presentation.

On-campus students: You will present live in class during the workshop in week 10 or 11.

Distance students: You have two options:

A) you can choose to deliver your presentation live to the unit co-coordinator via video conference in week 10 or 11; or

B) you can choose to record your presentation and submit the video file via Moodle or YouTube. If you select this option, you should record each team member presenting their part of the presentation and then combine the recordings into one single video file. Please note that it is important that you are visible in the presentation video - hence, submitting slides with voice-over is not sufficient for this assessment. It is recommended you use software such as Camtasia or zoom, which allows you to be in the video, while also giving you the opportunity to share your PowerPoint slides with the audience. It is your responsibility to ensure appropriate video and audio quality.


The report should be 1,250 to 1,500 words, excluding preliminaries, tables, figures, references and appendices.

To successfully complete this part of the assessment, you are required to research literature about the challenges that organisations face when trying to implement Design Thinking. You are required to compare your group's experience of Design Thinking with the realities of implementing Design Thinking in an established organisation, based on your literature research. You may choose a specific organisation or you may keep your discussion generic. An absolute minimum of 8 references is required (most of these must be academic, peer-reviewed publications, but some may be high-quality practitioner reports).

Attachment:- Assessment design thinking.rar

Reference no: EM132196859

Questions Cloud

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12/18/2018 2:16:31 AM

Assessment criteria - Report: • Ability to compare own experience within this unit and the realities of implementing Design Thinking in organisations (15%) • Demonstrate a breadth and quality of research by using a minimum of 8 high-quality sources (5%) • Correct use of the APA referencing system (5%) • Ability to critically discuss challenges of implementing Design Thinking in organisations (20%) • Ability to construct a complete and professional report in the nominated format consistent with standards expected of professional leaders and managers in the work context (5%)


12/18/2018 2:16:17 AM

Assessment criteria - Presentation: • Ability to describe and critically evaluate a minimum of 10 suitable Design Thinking tools/techniques that your group has utilised, alongside their outcomes (15%) • Presentation of evidence that your group has utilised these tools/techniques (15%) • Ability to identify how far your group has progressed in their Design Thinking process (5%) • Demonstrate a breadth and quality of research by using a minimum of 8 academic sources (5%) • Correct use of the APA referencing system (5%) • Ability to work cooperatively in a work-based team to prepare a professional presentation (appropriate personal professional standards in terms of dress, verbal and non-verbal communication consistent with standards expected of professional leaders and managers in the work context) in the nominated format (5%)


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5. Correct use of the APA referencing system. 5% No use of the APA referencing system in the assignment, or the reference list with no correctly cited sources. Very poor use of the APA referencing system in the body of the assignment and/or in the reference list, with incorrectly cited sources. Unsatisfactory use of the APA referencing system in the body of the assignment and/or in the reference list, with few correctly cited sources. Satisfactory use of the APA referencing system in the body of the assignment and in the reference list; mistakes and/or omissions present. Competent use of the APA referencing system in the body of the assignment and in the reference list; generally correctly cited sources but small omissions and/or errors of judgment may be present. Very good use of the APA referencing system in the body of the assignment and in the reference list with almost entirely correctly cited sources. Faultless use of the APA referencing system in the body of the assignment and in the reference list with completely correctly cited sources.


12/18/2018 2:14:40 AM

4. Breadth and quality of research, using a minimum of 8 high-quality sources. 5% No sources used. Possible Academic Misconduct case. Limited amount of high-quality sources (<8) and/or use of inappropriate sources. Some may be fictional or irrelevant. Limited amount of high-quality sources (<8) and/or use of inappropriate sources. Some may be fictional or irrelevant. Eightsuitable sources used, which may include a couple of poorer quality sources (e.g. websites; lecture notes). A body (>8) of generally high-quality and appropriate sources, which may include small omissions and/or errors of judgment. A body (>8) of almost entirely high-quality and appropriate sources. An extensive body (every claim is referenced) of purely high-quality and highly appropriate sources.


12/18/2018 2:14:34 AM

3. Ability to work in a team to prepare a professional and cohesive report in the nominated format, with appropriate professional standards. 5% Unprofessional and in-cohesive report, no consideration of the required format and/or professional standards. Unprofessional and in-cohesive report; mostly not in line with the required format and/or professional standards. Generally unprofessional and in-cohesive report; mostly not in line with the required format and/or professional standards. Reasonable report, generally in line with the required format; limited professional standards demonstrated. Good report; generally in line with the required format and reasonably professional. Very good report; almost entirely in line with the required format and professional standards. Excellent report; fully in line with the required format and professional standards expected of managers.


12/18/2018 2:14:26 AM

2. Ability to critically discuss challenges of implementing Design Thinking in organisations 20% No challenges discussed and/or content entirely irrelevant for the task. Failure to demonstrate understanding of challenges of implementing DT in organisations. Highly incomplete report, and/or mostly irrelevant content. Failure to demonstrate understanding of challenges of implementing DT in organisations. Mostly incomplete report, and/or mostly irrelevant content. Basic understanding of challenges demonstrated. Report is complete but may not be fully relevant, thought through, and/or not detailed. Content may be overly basic. Goodunderstanding of challenges demonstrated. Report is complete but may containareas with omissions and/or detail and/or relevance. Content may be somewhat basic. Very good understanding of challenges demonstrated. Report is complete but may containsmall areas with omissions and/or detail and/or relevance. Excellentunderstanding of challenges demonstrated. Report is complete, detailed and fully relevant.


12/18/2018 2:14:17 AM

Criteria 0 (Not Shown) 1 (Poor) 2 (Unsatisfactory) 3 (Satisfactory) 4 (Good) 5 (Very Good) 6 (Excellent) 1. Ability to compare own experience within this unit and the realities of implementing Design Thinking in organisations 15% No comparison presented. Report content irrelevant for the task. No comparison presented and/or insufficient or inappropriate content to compare own experience with realities in organisations. Some basic comparisonmay be present but insufficient or inappropriate content to demonstrate ability to compare experience to realities in organisations. An attempt at comparing own experience to realities in organisations is made but this is very superficial and basic. Good comparison between own experience and realities in organisations; focus may be unbalanced towards experience or realities only and comparison may be somewhat basic. Very good comparison between own experience and realities in organisations presented. Generally balanced and detailed but with inconsistencies. Excellent comparison between own experience and realities in organisations presented. Balanced and detailed.


12/18/2018 2:14:02 AM

6. Correct use of the APA referencing system. 5% No use of the APA referencing system in the assignment, or the reference list with no correctly cited sources. Very poor use of the APA referencing system in the body of the assignment and/or in the reference list, with incorrectly cited sources. Unsatisfactory use of the APA referencing system in the body of the assignment and/or in the reference list, with few correctly cited sources. Satisfactory use of the APA referencing system in the body of the assignment and in the reference list; mistakes and/or omissions present. Competent use of the APA referencing system in the body of the assignment and in the reference list; generally correctly cited sources but small omissions and/or errors of judgment may be present. Very good use of the APA referencing system in the body of the assignment and in the reference list with almost entirely correctly cited sources. Faultless use of the APA referencing system in the body of the assignment and in the reference list with completely correctly cited sources.


12/18/2018 2:13:54 AM

5. Breadth and quality of research, using a minimum of 8 academic sources. 5% No academic sources used. Possible Academic Misconduct case. Limited amount of academic sources (<8) and/or use of poor quality inappropriate sources. Some may be fictional or irrelevant. Limited amount of academic sources (<8) and/or use of poor quality inappropriate sources. Some may be fictional or irrelevant. Eight suitable sources used, which may include a couple of poorer quality sources (e.g. websites; lecture notes). A body (>8) of generally high-quality and appropriate sources, which may include small omissions and/or errors of judgment. A body (>8) of almost entirely high-quality and appropriate sources. An extensive body (every claim is referenced) of purely high-quality and highly appropriate academic sources.


12/18/2018 2:13:45 AM

4. Ability to work in a team to prepare a professional presentation in the nominated format, with appropriate professional standards (dress, verbal and non-verbal communication). 5% Unprofessional presentation, no consideration of the required format and/or professional standards. Presentation seems unpracticed. Unprofessional presentation; mostly not in line with the required format and/or professional standards. Presentation seems unpracticed. Generally unprofessional presentation; mostly not in line with the required format and/or professional standards. Presentation seems rather unpracticed. Reasonable presentation, generally in line with the required format; limited professional standards demonstrated. Presentation may not have been practiced much and may not run smoothly/professionally. Good presentation; generally in line with the required format and reasonably professional. Presentation may not be entirely smooth or professional, but seems to have been practiced. Very good presentation; almost entirely in line with the required format and professional standards. Presentation is generally smooth and seems to have been practiced.


12/18/2018 2:13:29 AM

3. Ability to identify how far your group has progressed in their DT process. 5% No mention of progress and/or the DT process. Attempt at identifying progress is made. Incorrect identification and/or consideration of the DT process. Attempt at identifying progress is made. Incorrect identification and/or consideration of the DT process. Progress is identified and correctly presented within the DT process. Progress is identified and correctly presented within the DT process. Progress is identified and correctly presented within the DT process. Progress is identified and correctly presented within the DT process.


12/18/2018 2:13:22 AM

2. Presentation of evidence that your group has utilized these tools/techniques 15% Noevidence presented. No clear evidence presented or evidence for significantly less than 10 tools/techniques presented. It is not clear to the viewer whether the group has carried out these tools/techniques. No clear evidence presented or evidence for less than 10 tools/techniques presented. It is not clear to the viewer whether the group has carried out these tools/techniques. It is clear to the viewer that the group has carried out 10 tools/techniques but evidence is limited and/or incomplete. Evidence may not be integrated well in the presentation. It is clear to the viewer that the group has carried out 10 tools/techniques and suitable evidence thereof is provided. Evidence may not be integrated well in the presentation. It is clear to the viewer that the group has carried out more than 10 tools/techniques and suitable evidence thereof is provided. Evidence may not be fully integrated in the presentation. It is clear to the viewer that the group has carried out more than 10 tools/techniques and suitable evidence thereof is provided and fully integrated in the presentation.


12/18/2018 2:13:14 AM

Less than 10 relevant DT tools/techniques presented and/or insufficiently described. Outcomes may be missing or are insufficiently described. No critical evaluation present. 10 relevant DT tools/techniques and their outcomes are described in a basic and uncritical manner. 10 relevant DT tools/techniques and their outcomes are described. Some critical evaluation of some of the tools is evident. More than 10 relevant DT tools/techniques and their outcomes are described and evaluated. May not be critical throughout and/or may contain minor omissions. More than10 relevant DT tools/techniques and their outcomes are well described and critically evaluated. Critical and complete throughout.


12/18/2018 2:13:09 AM

MGMT20140 ASSESSMENT ITEM 2 – MARKING RUBRIC In case of high Turnitin similarity scores, markers analyse the similarity score on a case by case basis and you will see relevant comments in your assignment, if necessary. If high similarity derived purely from reference lists and/or the fact that you may have copied the assessment brief into your submission, no comments are made as you can find this information out yourself by exploring. Any students deemed to have conducted Academic Misconduct are being reported and will be informed of the outcome of the investigation and any related penalties via their student email address. Group Presentation Criteria 0 (Not Shown) 1 (Poor) 2 (Unsatisfactory) 3 (Satisfactory) 4 (Good) 5 (Very Good) 6 (Excellent) 1. Ability to describe and critically evaluate a minimum of 10 suitable DT tools/techniques (that your group has used), alongside their outcomes 15% Nodescription of DT tools/techniques presented. Presentation content irrelevant for the task. Significantly less than 10 relevant DT tools/techniques presented and/or insufficiently described. Outcomes may be missing or are insufficiently described. No critical evaluation present.

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