Mobile Marketing statistics., Advanced Statistics

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1) Has smartphones affected the consumer behavior? If so How ? And how is it going to change in future?
2) Forecasting of Mobile market (Time series analysis)
3) Comparison of four mobile devices

Related Discussions:- Mobile Marketing statistics.

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Linked micro map plot, Linked micro map plot is a plot which provides the ...

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Your first task is to realize two additional data generation functions. Firstly, extend the system to generate random integral numbers based on normal distribution. You need to stu

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Hypothesis testing and chi-square tests.., The results of a survey determin...

The results of a survey determined whether the age of a driver 21 years and older has any effect on the number of motor vehicle accidents in which he/she is involved. Question 1:

Chi-squared distribution, Chi-squared distribution : It is the probability ...

Chi-squared distribution : It is the probability distribution, f (x), of the random variable de?ned as the sum of squares of the number (v) of independent standard normal variables

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