Write an analytical report using proposal

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Reference no: EM131940122

Question: Analytical Report

This week, you are tasked to write an Analytical Report. Using your Proposal from week three, research the feasibility of your plan. Following the steps in our textbook, write a feasibility report laying out the specifics for the implementation of your proposal. Look to the examples from the readings. Your report does not need to be as detailed, but you should cover each of the elements demonstrated.

Your final report should be 750-1000 words in length, and should include APA style citations, both in the text and in a References page, for all sources used.

Information related to above question is enclosed below:

Attachment:- PortfolioProjectProposalweek3.rar

Reference no: EM131940122

Questions Cloud

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Write an analytical report using proposal : This week, you are tasked to write an Analytical Report. Using your Proposal from week three, research the feasibility of your plan.
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