Write a program that maintains a database containing data

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM131076194

Repeat Programming Problem 5 of Chapter 16 using a dictionary implemented with a balanced search tree.

Programming Problem 5:

Write a program that maintains a database containing data, such as name and birthday, about your friends and relatives. You should be able to enter, remove, modify, or search this data. Initially, you can assume that the names are unique. The program should be able to save the data in a fi le for use later. Design a class to represent the database and another class to represent the people. Use a binary search tree of people as a data member of the database class. You can enhance this problem by adding an operation that lists everyone who satisfies a given criterion. For example, you could list people born in a given month. You should also be able to list everyone in the database.

Reference no: EM131076194

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