Which lasting effects of world war i

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Reference no: EM13748320

Question: The post-World War II Nuremberg trials concerned war crimes committed by

A Nazi leaders

B Japanese generals

C Collaborators in all former Nazi-occupied European countries

D All Nazi, Japanese, and Italian war criminals

Question: Two events in 1949 that helped precipitate a nationwide Communist witch hunt championed by Senator Joseph McCarthy were

A The Soviets' explosion of an atomic bomb and the Communist revolution in China

B The downing of an American U-2 aircraft and the arrest of its pilot on espionage charges

C The invasion of South Korea by Communist North Korean forces and the murder of the South Korean president

D The defection of top U.S. officials to Moscow and the conviction and execution of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg for providing classified information to the Soviet Union

Question: In 1956, an uprising in Hungary finally precipitated an invasion by Soviet forces when

A Hungarian leader Imre Nagy announced that Hungary would leave the Warsaw Pact

B Its leaders expanded their initial purely economic demands to include the establishment of a multiparty system

C The Hungarian army ignored orders from Moscow and refused to repress the rebellion

D Marshall Zhukov overthrew Communist premier Imre Nagy

Question: In 1949, the Soviet Union created regional economic organizations in order to

A Increase Russian production so as to stay ahead of production in eastern Europe

B Place high tariffs on goods coming into the USSR from eastern Europe

C Prevent western European goods from swamping socialist markets in eastern Europe and the USSR

D Facilitate economic cooperation between the Soviet Union and its satellite countries

Question: In 1949, the Soviet Union created regional economic organizations of hundreds of SA leaders and other personal enemies, is known as the

A Anschluss

B Final Solution

C Night of the Long Knives

D Volkgemeinschaft

Question: In his 1931 address to the world on social issues, Pope Pius XI

A Condemned the rising tide of ethnic tensions in eastern Europe as well as political extremism in countries such as Italy, Germany, and Russia

B Blamed the decline in European fertility rates on the modern neglect of the family, the emancipation of women, and the spread of contraception

C Condemned the failure of modern societies to provide their citizens with the moral and material conditions necessary for a decent life

D Called upon Europeans to return to their religious faith in this time of economic distress and to focus on family, thrift, and hard work

Question: Military leaders Paul von Hindenburg and Erich Ludendorff, who gained near dictatorial powers over Germany during the war, gained hero status when they

A Halted the French advance at Verdun

B Beat the American expeditionary force during the AEF's landing in Belgium

C Stopped the massive Russian army on the eastern front

D Called for a "war to the death," which boosted German morale

Question: When, in 1948, the Soviets blockaded Berlin, situated more than 100 miles into the Soviet zone, the United States responded by

A Threatening to rescind the Allied agreement concluded at Yalta over the Soviet's role in Korea and Manchuria

B Cutting off negotiations with Stalin over the Soviet Union's possible inclusion in the Marshall Plan

C Expelling Soviet diplomats from Washington, D.C., and mobilizing U.S. forces in the American zone of occupation in western Germany

D Staging Operation Vittles, an ongoing airlift that supplied the residents of Berlin with food and fuel into the spring of 1949

Question: Hitler tried to justify his 1941 invasion of the Soviet Union by calling that country the

A "Great Slavic devil"

B "Final land for Lebensraum"

C "Stooge for Britain and France"

D "Center of judeo-bolshevism"

Question: Yuri Gagarin caused great concern in the United States. What did he do to become famous?

A He threatened to "bury" the West during a visit to the United States

B He was the first man to orbit the earth, thus demonstrating the Soviet Union's advances in space technology

C He was the chief scientist on the Russian nuclear weapons program

D He was the chief undercover agent for the Soviet Union based in Washington, D.C

Question: The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, signed by Germany and Russia early in 1918

A Required Germany and Russia to cede territory for the reconstruction of Poland

B Withdrew Russia from the war in exchange for German withdrawal from the Ukraine

C Pulled Russia out of the war and changed the balance of the conflict

D Led to the creation of the Third International and its aggressive Marxist agenda

Question: Who said "The receptivity of the great masses is very limited; their intelligence is small"?

A Joseph Goebbels

B Heinrich Himmler

C Adolf Hitler

D Friedrich Ebert

Question: Of all the penalties imposed by the Treaty of Versailles, the one that generated the most outrage in Germany was the

A "War guilt" clause

B Demand for 132 billion gold marks in reparations

C French occupation of the western bank of the Rhine and the coal-rich Saar basin

D Loss of Alsace and Lorraine

Question: Ho Chi Minh (1890-1969) and his peasant guerrilla forces finally forced the French to withdraw from Indochina in 1954 after the savage battle of

A Saigon

B Dien Bien Phu

C Phnom Penh

D Nam Dinh

Question: An antifascist coalition government like the French Popular Front would have been impossible in democratic countries before 1936 because

A Stalin had just reversed his ban on international Communists participating in coalition governments

B That year saw the defeat of the antifascist Republicans in Spain

C That was the year that the League of Nations agreed to such multiparty coalitions

D No one recognized that fascism was a growing danger until that year, when Hitler unveiled his new army and air force

Question: In the face of total military defeat by late 1944, Hitler continued to beseech the Germans to fight on, believing that

A The Germans, failing to secure victory, deserved to die

B They could at least wrest a partial victory from the Allies by holding on to territory in the East

C Such resolve would intimidate the Allies into agreeing to a less punishing peace

D Divine providence was on the German side and that a turnaround was still possible

Question: The 1935 legislation that deprived German Jews of citizenship, defined Jewishness according to ancestry rather than belief, and prohibited marriages between Jews and other Germans was called the

A Aryan Protection Act

B Munich Decrees

C Nuremberg Laws

D Anti-Semitic Defensive Laws

Question: Following the assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand and his wife in Serbia on July 28, 1914, Austria-Hungary sent an ultimatum to Serbia with certain demands; Serbia accepted all of the many terms of the Austrian ultimatum except one, namely

A The presence of Austrian officials in the assassination investigation

B Serbian government condemnation of anti-Austrian propaganda

C A public condemnation of possible Serbian military involvement in the assassination

D A firm Serbian promise of noninterference in Bosnia

Question: Upon the outbreak of World War I, the world quickly devolved into two armed and allied camps: the "Central Powers" consisting of

A Austria-Hungary, Germany, and Russia, and the "Allies" consisting of France, Great Britain, Turkey, and Italy

B Austria-Hungary and Germany, and the "Allies," consisting of France, Great Britain, Russia, and Japan

C Austria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Germany, and Poland, and the "Allies" consisting of France, Great Britain, Russia, and the United States

D Austria-Hungary, Germany, Turkey, and Spain, and the "Allies" consisting of France, Belgium, Great Britain, and Russia

Question: The U.S. stock market crash led to a global economic depression because

A The United States was unable to pay its war debts to European nations

B American lenders called in their international debts, which undermined banks and industry abroad

C American banks had borrowed so heavily from foreign lenders that the crash destabilized foreign currencies

D Most foreign companies traded their stock on the U.S. market

Question: The inflation in 1923 that made German currency worthless occurred when the German government printed trillions of marks

A In an effort to pay the staggering reparations imposed by the Dawes Plan

B To cause a financial crisis that would convince the Allies of Germany's inability to pay its reparations

C To ensure that workers were paid and to keep up with reparations payments, even though the government knew the currency was valueless

D In the mistaken belief that it could control the dip in currency values and bring on an improvement in the German balance of trade

Question: When it was coined, the term second world referred to

A Western Europe

B The United States, Canada, and Great Britain

C The Soviet Union and its socialist allies

D The capitalist nations only

Question: Following the official end of hostilities on November 11, 1918, the world experienced another devastating blow with the death of some twenty million more people as a result of

A Typhus

B Famine

C Influenza

D Colonial uprisings

Question: The demands of total war in the Soviet Union had encouraged independent initiative and relaxed Communist oversight, a development that Stalin

A Encouraged in his five-year plan of 1946 through a series of decentralization measures designed to increase production levels

B Praised as proof of worker flexibility and self-empowerment, two linchpins of socialism

C Ruthlessly reversed through increased repression, increased production goals, and a still more radical collectivization of agriculture

D Reversed with the gradual adoption of the command and control procedures regularly exercised in the ever-growing Soviet army

Question: Great Britain refused to join the European Economic Community (EEC) established by Italy, France, Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands in 1957 because

A The other countries refused to base the EEC's administration in London

B It did not want to join in the establishment of a single European-wide currency

C It opposed German membership

D It resisted becoming "just another European country"

Question: In 1929, Joseph Stalin intended to end the Soviet Union's backwardness with an ambitious industrial expansion program called the

A New Economic Policy

B Struggle for Socialism

C Five-Year Plan

D Soviet Plan

Question: The single most significant aspect of German military policy in terms of its provocative effect on the United States and subsequent U.S. involvement in the war was

A Unrestricted submarine warfare

B The Germans' purported use of mass executions in Belgium

C Germany's decision to wage a two-front war

D The forced removal of entire European populations to labor camps in Germany

Question: Following the end of World War II, the British and Americans were alarmed when

A Communist insurgents threatened the British-installed, right-wing monarchy in Greece

B Ethnic rivalry in the Balkans left the Serbian Communists as the strongest party in the region

C The French Communist Party experienced phenomenal growth

D The German Federal Republic failed to outlaw the German Communist Party

Question: One of the lasting effects of World War I was that

A International negotiations and peace conferences were abandoned because they had not prevented the war

B Certain military terms and soldiers' slang entered common usage, such as lousy, trench coat, rank and file, and basket case

C The horror of mechanized war caused many munitions manufacturers to question innovation in arms making

D The 1920s were a gloomy decade of retrenchment and cultural stagnation

Question: One development of the 1920s that made it easier for ordinary people to obtain new consumer goods such as refrigerators, washing machines, and stoves was

A Electrical appliance warehouses that sold directly to the consumer at dramatically reduced prices

B The introduction of lower-priced manufactured goods from the colonies, produced by low-paid native labor

C Installment buying, which allowed families to pay for goods over time

D Government-sponsored loans that were intended to improve veterans' standard of living

Question: In the spring of 1920, a military coup led by members of right-wing paramilitary units (Freikorps) was put down when

A The new head of the German High Command sent demobilized military units to retake Berlin

B President Friedrich Ebert called a general strike, which brought Berlin to a standstill and revealed the coup to have no popular support

C The communist Spartacists ambushed coup leaders, killing the conspirators at their headquarters in Berlin

D The Freikorps clashed with their rivals, the National Socialist "brownshirts," in a pitched battle in the streets of Berlin

Question: Stalin's use of terror tactics to assure fulfillment of the production quotas in the 1930s

A Was in keeping with the tactics used by Lenin to inspire compliance with his New Economic Policy in the 1920s

B Led to uprisings among factory workers and the imprisonment of so many workers that production dropped some 20 percent by 1938

C Led to the emigration of up to half a million skilled and semiskilled workers until Stalin effectively sealed the borders in 1938

D Made lying, such as the falsification of production figures, and corruption permanent features of the Soviet Communist system

Question: In 1964, after a protracted war, Kenya won formal independence when nationalist fighters from the Kikuyu ethnic group, known as Mau Mau,

A Repulsed French forces at Mombasa

B Overran the capital city of Nairobi, forcing the British to agree to an independence agreement in order to avoid further bloodshed

C Defeated the British, but only after the slaughter of some tens of thousands of Kikuyus

D Resisted British attempts to retain control by promoting a countrywide strike of state-run industries

Question: The concentration camp at Auschwitz-Birkenau shows that the camps were part of a larger German war strategy because, in addition to being a place of mass murder

A It served as a technical testing ground for new German weapons

B It was built to look like a munitions factory in the hopes that British and American bombers would target it

C It was also used as a labor camp

D It was used in propaganda films to prove to Germans that the prisoners there were lower than animals

Question: The Japanese attempted to portray their aggression in Asia as

A Restoring ancient religious beliefs and practices, especially Confucianism

B Freeing the region from Western imperialism

C Establishing democratic governments in place of the ancient monarchies of Asia

D A Communist-style state run from a central government located in Japan

Question: When Stalin called for the "liquidation of the kulaks," he was referring to

A Prosperous peasants and anyone who opposed his plans to end independent farming

B Coal miners from Siberia who went on strike just before the harsh winter of 1929

C The remaining Russian bankers who resisted his plans to nationalize their holdings

D Criminals who were making a profit through buying and selling black market goods

Question: In 1936, both France and Britain led Mussolini to believe that they would do little to stop fascist aggression when they

A Thwarted an attempt by some members of the League of Nations to impose a rigorous embargo on Italy following Mussolini's invasion of Ethiopia

B Forcibly repatriated Italian refugees fleeing arrest by Mussolini's fascist police force

C Agreed to lower import duties on Italian goods despite Italy's seizure of Abyssinia two weeks earlier

D Failed to protest or otherwise respond to the virulent rhetoric that accompanied Mussolini's declaration of a Rome-Berlin axis

Question: By 1917, efforts to put an end to the war mushroomed across the European continent, including all of the following except

A Austria-Hungary's secret request to the Allies for a negotiated peace settlement

B The German Reichstag's call for a "peace of understanding and permanent reconciliation of peoples"

C A rebellion in Vienna led by students who temporarily took hold of the Austrian parliament

D A widespread mutiny of French soldiers

Question: The Council for Mutual Economic Assistance, or COMECON,

A Stunted eastern European development by forcing satellite nations to buy exorbitantly priced Soviet-made goods and to sell their own goods to the USSR at a loss

B Divided the Soviet eastern European sphere of influence into an agrarian zone in the south and an industrial zone to the north

C Propped up many eastern European economies with Soviet-funded subsidies, giving these nations time to produce and sell on their own

D Led to an energizing exchange of goods, ideas, and peoples throughout eastern Europe and the Soviet Union and, thus, to a liberalization of Communist political controls

Question: In April 1917, the Germans moved to destabilize Russia by

A Sending agents to blow up railway tracks, provoking a tsarist crackdown on dissidents

B Using submarines to cut off the Russian supply lines in the Baltic Sea

C Distributing leaflets and forged documents in Russia that purportedly proved that Nicholas II planned to reimpose serfdom

D Providing safe rail transportation back to Russia for Lenin and other Bolsheviks

Question: The relentless German bombing of British cities in the summer of 1940 is known as

A The battle of Britain

B The Summer of Bombs

C The Great Air War

D The battle of the Atlantic

Question: In the 1930s, although the views of politicians varied, one concern shared by all was that

A Greater popular participation in politics would secure political stability by heightening the sense of shared responsibility

B Pump priming and government-sponsored job programs offered surefire solutions to effect an economic turnaround

C Falling birthrates meant a serious weakening or imminent collapse of individual nations, if not European society altogether

D An expansion of overseas markets would generate impressive revenues and lead to future prosperity

Question: World War I was called a "total war" because

A All of the countries in Europe, their colonial possessions, and the United States were involved in it

B The entire industrial capacity of the state, as well as all civilian and military personnel, was mobilized to fight the war

C The new weapons of war, including poison gas and machine guns, killed virtually everyone in their path

D Armies on both sides used a scorched-earth tactic to destroy all crops, livestock, buildings, and infrastructure in their paths

Question: The Nuremberg trials against Nazi war criminals, held in the fall of 1945, led to either execution or long-term prison terms for some

A 300 senior Nazi SS, Gestapo, and military officers

B 24 senior Nazi officials

C 1,000 Nazi officials and concentration camp administrators

D 100 defendants, including 35 Nazi judges

Question: Total war had a significant impact on gender roles: women on the home front

A Became shockingly liberated and promiscuous in the wake of their newfound Freedom from male chaperones, guardians, and even husbands

B Were dedicated pacifists who were largely out of sympathy with government and military men

C Became convinced of veterans' need for a secure family life and retreated from feminism and women's social gains to cultivate a nurturing domesticity

D Were more independent, labored at formerly male occupations, changed to practical hairstyles and clothing, and took advantage of greater political and social freedoms

Question: In the late 1930s, who helped convince the Swedish government of the importance of providing financial assistance, medical benefits, and child-care services to mothers and families?

A Frederika Bremer

B Alva Myrdal

C Selma Lagerlof

D Viveca Teuber

Question: Which of the following was not a goal of the European Economic Community (the Common Market) in the 1950s?

A Reducing tariffs among its members

B Reducing nationalist rivalries

C Developing common trade policies for all members

D Integrating British Commonwealth trade into European markets

Question: The Dawes Plan (1924), the Young Plan (1929), and the Treaty of Locarno (1925) tried to

A Create a balance of power by limiting the number of battleships each country could build

B Correct some of the more punitive provisions of the Treaty of Versailles

C Avoid an economic depression by establishing a single currency standard

D Strengthen the League of Nations with a set of goals for each nation to achieve

Question: Among all the combatants the world over, the country that suffered the greatest number of casualties, with some 7.5 million dead during World War I, was

A Germany

B France

C Great Britain

D Russia

Question: In 1949, German centrist politicians founded the new state of the German Federal Republic, whose first chancellor was the Catholic politician

A Willy Brandt

B Helmut Schmidt

C Konrad Adenauer

D Ludwig Erhard

Reference no: EM13748320

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