What was the hardest part about sifting

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM131510405

Credible and Reliable Nutrition Sources


Perform a quick Internet search, using Google or another major search engine. Select a search term related to nutrition science (for example, diet, organic, sodium) and see what kind of results you receive. When considering a term to select, think about single words rather than phrases. In some cases your search term may contain two words (for example, unsaturated fat). Avoid phrases like "which diet will help me lose weight the fastest" or "top 10 foods to make me healthy."

Write a short essay (at least 250 words), using complete paragraphs and appropriate organization. Avoid incomplete sentences or bulleted lists (except for your search term and how many results were obtained). Check your spelling and grammar before submitting. References are required in APA format.

Please provide the following information (listed in bulleted form):

  • your search term
  • how many results you obtained

Then review some of these sources, going no further than three pages into the search result. Critically evaluate the websites you have selected. Find one website that you consider a reliable/credible source and one that you consider false, misleading, or non-factual. Keep in mind that when searching for credible sources you should also determine if your source would be appropriate to use as a scholarly reference (to support your discussions and homework assignments). Please provide the following for BOTH the credible and non-credible choices:

  • the name of the website and the link
  • the author or group providing this information
  • Is this a reliable/credible source? If so, how do you know? OR Is this a non-credible source? If so, how do you know?
  • What was the hardest part about sifting through nutrition information?

Reference no: EM131510405

Questions Cloud

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How does data become knowledge and finally wisdom : How does data become knowledge and finally wisdom? Explain the relationship between knowledge acquisition, knowledge processing.
What was the hardest part about sifting : Perform a quick Internet search, using Google or another major search engine. What was the hardest part about sifting through nutrition information
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Detailing the plot major characters and central themes : Assignment Overview: Open the attached file entitled "Theatre Reader Challenge." There you will find a list of 52 plays. Choose one of these plays to read.
What do the concentric circles represent : Discuss two challenges that may be encountered as the nurse applies the CNPM in clinical practice. Within the CNPM, what do the concentric circles represent?


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