What skills improved the most

Assignment Help Computer Engineering
Reference no: EM132013590

Question: Two paragraphs each and separate respones

1. Closing Out the Project"Please respond to the following:

• As a project manager, you'll find yourself in many unique situations, different organizations, and possibly even different countries. Even if you never get involved in international project management, you will still come in contact with people from cultures and backgrounds different than yours. All projects do eventually come to an end and go into maintenance mode after implementation. Share your personal or professional experience by examining a few reasons for project endings before getting into the close project phase. Support your response with online research if you do not have any experience. Remember to site your sources.

2. Tracking Your Improvement

Use what you've learned this week to respond to the following:

• Go back to Week 2 and watch your first speech again. Use the online rubric to evaluate your first speech. Share your evaluation.

• After you complete Assignment 4 and the self review, compare your evaluation to the one for Assignment 1. What skills improved the most?

• When you review your peers' feedback on your speeches, do you notice any common themes? What does that say about the course and your own development?

Reference no: EM132013590

Questions Cloud

What does it mean to you to be ethical : What does it mean to you to be ethical and what resources and tools will you utilize to help you when you face ethical challenges?
Descriptive research is conducted : What are the major purposes for which descriptive research is conducted?
How will increases in the cost of living effect the buyer : Write an analysis that compares and contrasts the two financing options in detail. Be specific. Include justifications for selecting an option.
Union optimism in the white collar area : Although white collar workers possess certain unique general properties that may tend to work against unionization in any event, present as strong
What skills improved the most : After you complete Assignment 4 and the self review, compare your evaluation to the one for Assignment 1. What skills improved the most?
What is the npv of project : If the expected return on the S&P500 Index is 7.0% and the risk-free rate is 1.0%, what is the NPV of this project (in millions)?
Evaluating employee behavior and work performance : The assessment of individual employee performance also needs to focus on evaluating employee behavior and work performance
Observation about that organization culture : In what way might it also be a weakness? Share examples of artifacts you have noticed to support your observation about that organization's culture.
Design a simple pattern by using javascript : Design a simple pattern (lines, circle or whatever) which can change and iterate along with the sounds(music) by using JavaScript in openprocessing.


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