What components should addressed in new employee orientation

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM131793064


Each organization has its own style and its own culture. Hiring new employees and bringing those employees into the organization can be a challenge, especially when new employees have worked for a company with a different style and outcome. Specifically, what components should be addressed in a new employee orientation to ensure that an employee understands the style/culture of the new organization, and how best can this be explained/discussed with the employee in his/her first days of employment?

Your initial posting should be well-researched, be at least 300 words, and must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. (MT) on Thursday of this week. Your initial post must meet APA guidelines as explained in the CSU-Global Guide to Writing & APA and include at least ONE scholarly reference from course materials.

Reference no: EM131793064

Questions Cloud

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What components should addressed in new employee orientation : What components should be addressed in a new employee orientation to ensure that an employee understands the style/culture of the new organization?
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Determine renteria cost of goods sold and gross profit : Cost of goods manufactured $265,000. For the month ended March 31, 2008 determine Renteria's: Cost of goods sold, Gross profit and Net income
Evaluate the validity and reliability of the data : Evaluate the validity and reliability of the data. Summarize the evidence used in developing the opportunity statement and recommendation.
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