What are some examples of health disparities

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM132404839

What are some examples of health disparities? Do you think health disparities can be removed in the United States? If so, how could this be accomplished? If not, explain why this may be difficult.

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Health disparities are the differences in health statuses of different groups of people. It is inequality in the access of healthcare and healthcare across the different racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic groups. Examples of health disparities are cancer by socioeconomic and medically undeserved populations, poverty which leads to the inability to afford healthcare, HIV/AIDS, and depression that is more common in women. I think that health disparities can be removed. Every problem has a solution, and this can be solved through the system. The United States spends ALOT of money on healthcare, but doesn't make it affordable for everyone and neither is it the best or provided equally. For one we have to increase awareness of disparities, research, and fund so that they can be eliminated.

Reference no: EM132404839

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