Understanding of the addictive process

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM132701717

This assignment is to facilitate your understanding of the addictive process.

You will write a journal for this six week project, at least two paragraphs per week.

To accomplish this project you will define the addictive /negative qualities of your particular substance or activity and write this down in journal form. Develop a support system of people to assist you; that means tell people what you are doing and have them help you successfully give up your "addiction". You must do some research on your "addiction" and find out what others have done to quit. There may be some formal support or self-help groups available and/or some formal treatment or classes for that issue.

1. Write what that is, describe how it is important to you, or how much you are attached to using. Also describe some of the negative consequences of your "addiction". If you chose a certain behavior to give up, write down very specifically what that is. Example; shopping - write what particular kinds of shopping to give up; weekends, overspending, clothes, gifts, but not food, restaurants or necessities.

2. Tell at least 3 people around you about giving up your "addiction". The purpose of this is to notice what sort of reactions you get from others. Are they supportive, neutral or unhelpful? Write what they say or do and what your response is to them. How does this response change over time?

3. Research your "addiction": what have others done to quit or stop that behavior? Has there been any research on this particular item? Are there any support groups or programs that deal with it? What resources are there in the community or the US? Give the names of sites, agencies or groups who are doing something about this.

4. Develop a support system, individuals or a group that helps you successfully give up your addiction. This support system may also include a conscious change in behavior; new actions and activities, avoiding certain people or situations. Write in your journal what you notice, what works and what does not work to keep you "clean and sober".

5. What are your triggers (situations or feelings that set off cravings) for using/behavior? What emotional connection is there to the using/behavior? Define and describe your personal standards of behavior for alcohol and drug use. What drugs do you believe are ok to use; when and where is it appropriate to use; what do you expect from your friends if they use?

6. Use your understanding of the definition of addiction to relate to some of your experiences in this project. Look at some of the symptoms of addiction and ponder if some of these symptoms may apply to your experience. If this was a life or death situation who would you go to for help?

Reference no: EM132701717

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