Types of market and legal systems

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM1323363

Prepare a paper (700 to 1,050 words) incorporating answers to the questions below.

Research and choose one international corporation to discuss. You may use the Fortune Global 500 to help you choose a corporation (https://money.cnn.com/magazines/fortune/global500/2009/). The corporation you choose may be headquartered in either the United States or a foreign country. You should incorporate concepts from your reading assignment into your answers.

1. Provide a company overview, and identify the countries in which the corporation operates.

2. Identify the types of market systems and types of legal systems that exist in the countries where the corporation operates. What effect do these have on the company's operations?

3. Discuss the possible sources of political risk for: (a) the countries in which the company has a presence and (b) the basic nature of their products and operations. If you were a political consultant for the company, how would you suggest the company approach its political risk given trends in international political systems?

4. Identify the stakeholders the company must satisfy. Why is this process more difficult for companies operating internationally?

5. Summarize the company's code of conduct. State the reasons why it is in the company's best interest to follow its code of conduct when operating in foreign countries.

6. Does the company have any social programs in the country/countries where it operates? If so, briefly describe one.

7. What are the indicators the company might monitor to guide their investment and actions in the future?

Reference no: EM1323363

Questions Cloud

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