The back-end database

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM131032479

Three (3) page Word document that describes the front-end, the user interface, and the back-end database and how the requirements were met, and a full description of client needs and how the application supported the requirements.


Reference no: EM131032479

Questions Cloud

Problem regarding the percent of the students : (i) If he allows 20 minutes for the quiz, what percent of the students will not complete the quiz? (ii) Suppose that he wants to allow sufficient time so that 95% of the students will complete the quiz in the allotted time. How much time should he..
What ultimately were these codes designed to do : During Reconstruction, Black Codes were enacted in several former states in the Confederacy. A Republican controlled Congress would later react to suppress these codes - What ultimately were these codes designed to do?
Forman company has contracted to build a dam over a period : Forman Company has contracted to build a dam over a period of 4 years for $3,000,000. Information relating to the performance of the contract is summarized as follows:
Provide background information about education : Provide an in-depth definition and components about the topic. Provide background information about the topic (developed from the 3 resources discovered). Apply 3 different sociological theories to the topic.
The back-end database : Three (3) page Word document that describes the front-end, the user interface, and the back-end database and how the requirements were met, and a full description of client needs and how the application supported the requirements.
Problem regarding the mechanical measurements : Mechanical measurements on supposedly identical objects usually vary. The variation often follows a Normal distribution. The stress required to break a type of bolt varies Normally with mean 75 kilopounds per square inch (ksi) and standard deviati..
Explain what made you want to research that topic : LING 102: Spring 2016 - Research Paper Presentation - You will need to consider the sequence of the information you will share to make sure it will occur in a logical fashion. Also consider transition use.
Prepare a comprehensive report directed to an australian asx : prepare a comprehensive report directed to an Australian ASX Top 100 listed corporation detailing a critical analysis of the effectiveness of the corporation to meet the obligations of the conceptual framework of accounting
Did the school follow the correct disciplinary procedures : Did the school follow the correct disciplinary procedures? Discuss why or why not. Would you have done anything differently, according to IDEA's procedures?


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Basic Computer Science Questions & Answers

  Identifies the cost of computer

identifies the cost of computer components to configure a computer system (including all peripheral devices where needed) for use in one of the following four situations:

  Input devices

Compare how the gestures data is generated and represented for interpretation in each of the following input devices. In your comparison, consider the data formats (radio waves, electrical signal, sound, etc.), device drivers, operating systems suppo..

  Cores on computer systems

Assignment : Cores on Computer Systems:  Differentiate between multiprocessor systems and many-core systems in terms of power efficiency, cost benefit analysis, instructions processing efficiency, and packaging form factors.

  Prepare an annual budget in an excel spreadsheet

Prepare working solutions in Excel that will manage the annual budget

  Write a research paper in relation to a software design

Research paper in relation to a Software Design related topic

  Describe the forest, domain, ou, and trust configuration

Describe the forest, domain, OU, and trust configuration for Bluesky. Include a chart or diagram of the current configuration. Currently Bluesky has a single domain and default OU structure.

  Construct a truth table for the boolean expression

Construct a truth table for the Boolean expressions ABC + A'B'C' ABC + AB'C' + A'B'C' A(BC' + B'C)

  Evaluate the cost of materials

Evaluate the cost of materials

  The marie simulator

Depending on how comfortable you are with using the MARIE simulator after reading

  What is the main advantage of using master pages

What is the main advantage of using master pages. Explain the purpose and advantage of using styles.

  Describe the three fundamental models of distributed systems

Explain the two approaches to packet delivery by the network layer in Distributed Systems. Describe the three fundamental models of Distributed Systems

  Distinguish between caching and buffering

Distinguish between caching and buffering The failure model defines the ways in which failure may occur in order to provide an understanding of the effects of failure. Give one type of failure with a brief description of the failure

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