Social engineering defenses for the website

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM132710984

System Testing and Verification

Your team launched a web site after months of development. The website is going to be Hospital's main website. Your team has been staying close to Hospital IT team and adapt quickly to changing conditions for the new website. Hospital managers know that Agile innovation teams almost always result in higher team productivity and faster time to market, better quality, and lower risk than traditional approaches can achieve. Before launching new website, you must do system testing and security testing. The following questions are for security testing.

QUESTION 1: What is the security audit questions you would consider for the new website.

QUESTION 2: What were the defenses strategies you would use against web reconnaissance?

In particular.

Write the Social Engineering Defenses for the website

Write the Physical Access Defenses for the website

Write the Google Hacking Defenses for the website

QUESTION 3: You are going to test against Denial of Service (DoS) type of attack

How Denial of Service (DoS) type of attack will be performed for the new website?

Problems that Denial of Service (DoS) type of attack can cause?

what can be done the prevent Denial of Service attacks for the hospital's new website

Reference no: EM132710984

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