Simple polling program

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM132849943

In this exercise, you'll write a simple polling program that allows users to rate five social-consciousness issues from 1 (least important) to 10 (most important). Pick five causes that are important to you (for example, political issues, global environmental issues). Use a one-dimensional array topics (of type String) to store the five causes. To summarize the survey responses, use a 5-row, 10-column two-dimensional array responses (of type Integer), each row corresponding to an element in the topics array. When the program runs, it should ask the user to rate each issue. Have your friends and family respond to the survey. Then have the program display a summary of the results, including:

A tabular report with the five topics down the left side and the 10 ratings across the top, listing in each column the number of ratings received for each topic.

To the right of each row, show the average of the ratings for that issue.

Which issue received the highest point total? Display both the issue and the point total.

Which issue received the lowest point total? Display both the issue and the point total.


Stephanie: Gun control 8, immigration 10, health care 6, taxes 2, global warming 9

Hassan: Gun control 7, immigration 6, health care 8, taxes 9, global warming 5

Ryan: Gun control 2, immigration 3, health care 8, taxes 9, global warming 1

Lori: Gun control 3, immigration 2, health care 8, taxes 9, global warming 1

David: Gun control 7, immigration 9, health care 8, taxes 6, global warming 10

Reference no: EM132849943

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