Significant attention on the computer ethic issue

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM131934381

Problem 1.

The recent news of Facebook data leaking brought significant attention on the Computer Ethic issue. Please search and read information about the event, and do the following:

(a) Describe what happened.

(b) Point out at least two scenarios in the event where you believe to be ethical or unethical. Explain your opinions.

(c) What is your opinions and suggestions to address issues raised in this event.

Reference no: EM131934381

Questions Cloud

Discuss how you can apply the concepts in course : Discuss how you can apply the concepts learned in this course to your current or future career. How might the lessons you have learned positively influence.
Why the data breach made headlines : Which involved the attacker(s) exploiting a wireless network. Please describe the specific incident and why the data breach made headlines.
Share a current situation that clients are experiencing : The client will share concerns they are having with the team, which are related to an ethical concern, issue, or dilemma the team is experiencing.
Design proposal for a process improvement : Design a 700 word proposal for a process improvement or cultural change that would affect all levels of staff in the organization.
Significant attention on the computer ethic issue : The recent news of Facebook data leaking brought significant attention on the Computer Ethic issue. Please search and read information about the event
What motivational strategies used by the leader : Describe the leadership style, or styles (transformational, transactional, visionary, servant, etc.) communicated by the leader. Provide examples to support.
Identify all the use cases mentioned in system description : 32555 Fundamentals of Software Development Assignment - Best Real Estate Agency. Identify all the use cases mentioned in the system description
Fibonacci numbers should appear twice on the screen : One using the while statement, and the other using the for statement. The Fibonacci numbers should appear twice on the screen.
Best practices for access control methods : What are some of industry's best practices for access control methods? What are some common access control models and the differences between each?


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