Risk Assessment And Mitigation Plan

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133155532

Option 1. Risk Assessment and Mitigation Plan

Create a hypothetical risk assessment and mitigation plan.

Assume the role of risk manager/security professional and include the following information in your plan:

1. Choose a hazard or threat. (It cannot be one that you have already analyzed in class in a previous assignment. This includes both the Critical Thinking assignments and the discussion forums).

2. Assess the criticalities and consequences of your chosen hazard or threat.

3. Choose a facility (business, school, government, etc.).

Your plan should answer the following questions:

1. What countermeasures are in place?

2. Are the countermeasures in place designed to deal with your threat or hazard?

3. How will you assess the probability of the threat or hazard occurring?

4. Considering your answers to the above questions, what mitigation strategies would you recommend to handle your hazard or threat? Why?

Reference no: EM133155532

Questions Cloud

Legal aspects of safety and health : Why you believe the action is required for the citations and penalties, resources you would use to accomplish the action.
National response framework : How does the risk analysis process aid the National Response Framework?
Risk analysis process-national response framework : The risk analysis process coordinates with the National Response Framework (NRF) and National Incident Management System (NIMS) for effective preparedness
Criminal proceedings : What conditions would have to be met before the citations could be referred for criminal proceedings? How could you involve the OSHRC in the criminal case(s)?
Risk Assessment And Mitigation Plan : Create a hypothetical risk assessment and mitigation plan. Are the countermeasures in place designed to deal with your threat or hazard?
Develop A Matrix Of Resources-National Response Framework : Do you think it is beneficial for the risk manager to develop a matrix of resources for response efforts as demonstrated in the National Response Framework?
OSHA Challenge voluntary cooperative program : Describe the role that Challenge Administrators play in the OSHA Challenge voluntary cooperative program.
Best practices in prioritizing risks : What are the best practices in prioritizing risks? What determines where priority is placed?
Improving health and environmental justice : Westside Atlanta's Superfund Site: Improving Health and Environmental Justice. identify at least three specific aims to be advanced,


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