Responsible for safeguarding computer networks

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM132414569

Cyber security engineers are responsible for safeguarding computer networks and systems in an organization in order to protect the sensitive data they store.

Take on the role of Cyber Security Engineer for the organization you chose in Week 1.

Develop a 5- to 6-page manual using the Security Standards, Policies, and Procedures Template with recommendations to management of security standards, polices, and procedures which should be implemented in your chosen organization.

Research and include the following:

Explain the importance to your organization of implementing security policies, plans, and procedures. Discuss how security policies, plans, and procedures will improve the overall security of the organization.

Recommend appropriate policies and procedures for:

Data privacy

Data isolation


IP Protection


Acceptable use of organizational assets and data

Employee policies (separation of duties/training)

Risk response





Compliance examples that might affect your organization or others [Regulatory, Advisory, Informative]







Incident response






Lessons learned





Note: The page assignment length requirement applies to the content of the assignment. Start the assignment with an APA formatted title page and add a reference section with at least two professional references. Use the references in the text of the assignment. For assignments that require use of the template, insert the completed template into the APA document. Delete the assignment instructions from the document. This will improve the originality score from Safe Assign. Make sure to check the SafeAssign originality score.

Reference no: EM132414569

Questions Cloud

Security vulnerability report : A security vulnerability report identifies the areas of the organization that are at risk of losing data, outages, etc.
Evaluate international cybersecurity policy : Evaluate international cybersecurity policy. Evaluate specific cybersecurity threats and the combination of technologies and policies that can counter them.
Describe critical components of cybersecurity architecture : Describe the critical components of a cybersecurity architecture. Be sure it provides defense to protect the organization's data, network, and assets.
United States Supreme Court Carpenter v. United States 2018 : Please run a Google search of the term, "United States Supreme Court Carpenter v. United States 2018."
Responsible for safeguarding computer networks : Cyber security engineers are responsible for safeguarding computer networks and systems in an organization in order to protect the sensitive data they store.
Compare and contrast RMON with SNMP : Compare and contrast RMON with SNMP. Compare and contrast mobile QoS and network QoS. Explain how QoS has a role in the net neutrality debate.
Research examples of security policies : Use the Internet to research examples of security policies. Choose one and develop a general security policy for a fictitious law firm.
Prepare final project on mobile security : Prepare final project on Mobile Security. The primary deliverables for project will be paper in word document and and presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint.
Shell scripting in both a windows and unix environment : develop your understanding of shell scripting in both a Windows and Unix environment


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