Researching and interviewing with an organization

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM132305060

Question 1:

As you prepare to enter into the job market (for a new career, or better position in the same career), you have to consider "your" goal in researching and interviewing with an organization - to learn more about the organization.

Identify and explain four questions you would want answered before you make the final decision to accept a position with the organization. The explanation for each question should reflect the theory from your group discussions as well as those presented in the book and the articles. In addition, the explanation should clearly indicate what a "positive" answer to each of these questions would be. (I look at this as covering primarily the HR and leadership topics.)

Reference no: EM132305060

Questions Cloud

Describe a scenario where active surveillance is needed : Describe a scenario where active surveillance is needed. How is active surveillance for this specific disease conducted?
What logical and emotional appeals does he make to audience : What logical and emotional appeals does he make to his audience? On the whole, do you find his persuasive speech to be effective? Why or why not?
Define and explain roles of term functional committees : Define and explain roles of term functional committees from both union and management perspective? (detail)
Identify a problem at work or school : Identify a problem at work or school or in life that requires change. Applying Kotter's Eight Steps for Leading Organizational Change, draft a plan for driving
Researching and interviewing with an organization : As you prepare to enter into the job market (for a new career, or better position in the same career), you have to consider "your" goal in researching
Is this similar to the type of leader you want to be : Appraise and defend a "perfect" health leader by explaining the knowledge, skills, abilities, and competencies of that "perfect" leader. Is this similar to the.
Why transformation efforts fail : Read the article "Leading Change: Why Transformation Efforts Fail." Pick one of the 14 Deming's point and explain how it relates to the errors
What has not been studied by past research : How do you define the concepts from your research questions? How will you measure or observe your key variables of interest?
Introvert person fit into an organization culture : How does an introvert person fit into an organization's culture? Please explain.


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