Report on a geologic feature

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133207107 , Length: Word count: 2 Pages

Assignment Task: The basic idea is to write the report in a fact-form so that anyone who reads it gets an introduction to the feature you are writing about.

Phrases/sentences from the articles that you used. The facts must be written in a language simple enough for a non-science student can understand. You may be asked to explain some facts.

Find 10 facts about that feature.

1. Location (latitude-longitude or the range of latitudes and longitudes, and nearest country)

2. Water depth(s) or altitude(s)

3. dimensions (size, length, width, or volume)

4. Tectonic features and or processes

5. Geophysical characteristics (information about the crust, mantle, lithosphere, mantle etc.)

6. Geochemical characteristics (information about chemical properties of rocks, magma etc.)

7. Age, rock types, and/or the evolution of the feature

8. Resources (water, mineral, energy)

9. Any other significant or relevant information

10. Sources (References)

This is a report, not a research paper. Therefore, the format is different.

Reference no: EM133207107

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