Question about hrm function

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM1334141

Question about HRM function

As organizations strive to remain competitive, there is much reliance on the management team and their ability to serve effectively in leadership roles. Managers hold a great deal of responsibility in terms of managing people and processes.

The NL&C company president has just come to you, the HR Director, and asked that you implement a COMPREHENSIVE MANAGEMENT TRAINING PROGRAM. This is a daunting task, one that you decide to first review with your networking group.

This is a two part small group project and requires Part One be completed in time to also hold a small group discussion about each presentation (Part Two) prior to the assignment due date.

Create a presentation including detailed speakers notes that covers, in detail, the following areas:

1) Overview with brief description of all of the topics that NL&C needs to include in a COMPREHENSIVE MANAGEMENT TRAINING PROGRAM

2) The training delivery/communication options for these topics

3) Issues and challenges to consider - including suggested solutions

Reference no: EM1334141

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