Question 1a describe the main purpose of the globally

Assignment Help Chemical Engineering
Reference no: EM13348243


(a) Describe the main purpose of the Globally Harmonised System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals

(b) Outline the bridging principles for classification of mixtures

(c) Briefly describe the different types of studies and tests available for categorizing chemicals


(a) Briefly describe the main factors that affect diffusion across cell membranes

(b) What are the main activities relevant to the local context where occupational exposure to metals is possible?

(c) Describe the main modes of toxicity associated with metals. Illustrate your answer with relevant examples


(a) Describe the main elements of a Chemical Risk Assessment

(b) Explain the following terms that are usually encountered in an MSDS

  • Teratogenicity
  • Target organ Toxicity
  • Lower Flammability Limit (LFL)
  • Upper Flammability Limit (UFL)

(c) Outline the applications of a dose response curve in industrial toxicology

Reference no: EM13348243

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