Prepar a report on health insurance portability and

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Reference no: EM13346734

Prepar a report on Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) compliance and electronic health records.

- Define protected health information and when it can be disclosed.

- Differentiate between the privacy rule and the security rule as it applies to actual use in the laboratory.

- Differentiate between identifiable and unidentified information and their uses.

Report inhibits:

1. Protected Health Information

2. Difference between Privacy Rule and the Security Rule

3. Difference between Identifiable and Unidentified Information

4. Functions of a Master Patient Index (MPI)

5. Importance of Master Patient Index is in the Health Care Facility

6. Impact of MPI

  • Impact on Clinical
  • Impact on Management
  • Impact on Appointments
  • Impact on Security

7. References

Reference no: EM13346734

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