Powerpoint presentation on recognizing employee contribution

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Reference no: EM134648


Recognizing Employee Contributions

Suppose that you are the HR Manager at a university. You want to create a method to recognize employee contributions in the Admissions Office. Decisive the methods to motivate employees to enrol new students has been challenging. Nevertheless you are now being pressured by top management to reach admission goals. Employee contribution in pay-related choices could be part of a general move toward employee empowerment. Employees have hands-on knowledge around the kinds of behaviour that can assists the organization to perform well. Deliberate conducts that you would attempt to meet the admission goals

Make a PowerPoint presentation with fifteen to twenty (15-20) slides in which you-

1. As the HR manager, propose two (2) procedures that you will use to determine incentive pay. Elucidate if the rewards are tailored towards individual, group and / or company performance. Elucidate how you as the HR manager will create an incentive pay program that will motivate employees

2. The balanced-score card approach is valuable in designing executive pay. Suggest three (3) measures the HR manager can use to evaluate shareholder value, customer value as well as employee value

3. As the HR manager, examine two (2) problems in creating a benefits package that motivates employees

4. As the HR manager, propose three (3) incentives that can be used to motivate employees

5. As the HR manager, detect two (2) ethical risks of making incentive pay a large portion of employees' total compensation. Propose two (2) suggestions as to how the company could balance or reduce these risks

6. Use at least three (3) quality academic possessions in this assignment. Note- Wikipedia as well as other Websites don't qualify as academic resources
Your assignment essential follow these formatting requirements-

• Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides, citations as well as references should follow APA or school-specific format

Reference no: EM134648

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