Organization potential vulnerabilities and threats

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM132609141

The CIO of the organization you chose is ready for you to take a look at the organization's potential vulnerabilities and threats.

Complete the Security Planning and Risk Management Template. Include the following:

1. Considering the aspects or components of the cyber domain, list potential vulnerabilities or threats facing the organization.

2. Give a description of the risk each vulnerability or threat would have on the organization in terms of its people, network, data, or reputation.

3. Explain each risk's impact on the organization.

4. Provide a defined mitigation for each vulnerability, such as an incident response plan, disaster recovery plan, or business continuity plan. Or, give a defined reason why this vulnerability or threat would not be mitigated, such as the use of a different risk control strategy.

Reference no: EM132609141

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