Ms access database file for large-scale grading system

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM132470260

Activity 1. For this project, your team is in charge of designing and planning the development of a secure system for storing student's records at a college or university of about 15,000 students. Think of this as a real-world implementation project. If you have questions about the functionality of the system please ask the instructor. Some basic requirements are below: A. Instructors should be able to view the grades of the students. B. School admins should be able to view the grades of any student and up-date grade with an Approved Grade Change Form. C. Students may view only their own grades. D. The system should be a web-based system. E. The system should account for user management. F. Student's should receive grades by email, and/or physically mail at the conclusion of the course.


1. Use the template (s) located on the course website to help your group complete this project.

2. Think of recommendations on how your group can improve the basic requirements of this system.

Attachment:- Good-Team System Risk Matrix Template.rar

Attachment:- Charles DeSassure Sysetm DeSign Template.rar

Reference no: EM132470260

Questions Cloud

Make use of kernel software : why would designers install software into the kernel at all ? If you were an antivirus designer or maker, what other methods do you utilize to prevent virus?
Explicit strategies for technology development : Do you feel that countries and companies need explicit strategies for technology development, given the tremendous amount of largely spontaneous creativity
Create wireless security policy : Create a Wireless Security Policy document. Describe if the wireless network will be on a different subnet to protect your wired network.
Explain how you feel about the need for internet privacy : Explain how you feel about the need for Internet privacy. If you value your own privacy, explain why you do.
Ms access database file for large-scale grading system : your team is in charge of designing and planning the development of a secure system for storing student's records at a college or university
Resistance to change is normal everyday aspect in workplace : Resistance to change is a normal everyday aspect in the workplace.
ERM development impact the company risk attitude : Explain as what extent would past experience of people in charge of ERM development impact the company's risk attitude?
Glb Ethics : There are four (4) topic areas listed below that are designed to measure your knowledge level specific to learning outcome (LO 7) shown in your course syllabus
Talk about the the concept of BIG data : Talk about the the concept of BIG data and the importance of data science techniques to analyze these mounts of data.


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