Management function and behaviour

Assignment Help Microeconomics
Reference no: EM131243 , Length: 4000 Words

Required words count : 4000 


1. How can the field of OB contribute to the effective functioning of organizations and the well being of the individual?

2. How are leadership theory and styles related to employee motivation? Explain with suitable examples.

3. Discuss in detail the contribution of Taylor to the development of Management thought.

4. Do you think when managers make decisions they follow the decision making steps as has been conceptualized in the rational decision making model? Which steps are likely to be overlooked or given inadequate attention? What can be the possible consequences of overlooking any of the steps?

5. "Participation is an excellent method for identifying differences and resolving conflicts". Do you agree or disagree. Discuss with suitable examples.

6. Why does communication break down? How can communication be improved?

7. What is departmentalization? Why is it required? Discuss any one form of departmentalization.

8. What do you understand by authority and power? How are they different from each other?


1. What strategic role can information technology play in business process reengineering and total quality management?

2. What are various approaches of MIS development in the Organization? Explain any two approaches in detail.

3. What are the benefits and limitations of the relational database model for business applications today? Why is the Object-oriented database model gaining acceptance for developing applications and managing the hypermedia databases at business websites?

4. What are the business benefit and management problems of client/server networks? Discuss also in Network Computing and Peer-to-peer networks?

5. How can information systems support a company's business operations, discuss making by their managers, and give them a competitive advantage? Give examples to illustrate your answer?

6. What is meant by Network topology along with different network models?

7. Why there is a trend toward cross-functional integrated enterprise systems in business?

8. How do you think sales force automation affects salesperson productivity, marketing management and competitive advantage?


1. Distinguish between the following:

a) Industry demand and Firm (Company) demand, b) Short-run demand and Long run demand, and c) Durable goods' demand and Non-durable goods demand.

2. What are the problems faced in determining the demand for a durable good? Illustrate with example of demand for households refrigerator or television set.

3. Analyze the method by which a firm can allocate the given advertising budget between different media of advertisement.

4. What kind of relationship would you postulate between short-run and long-run average cost curves when these are not U-shaped as suggested by the modern theories?

5. How do demand forecasting methods for new products vary from those for established products?

6. What are the different methods of measuring national income? Which methods have been followed in India?

7. What do you understand by the investment multiplier? In what way does it defend the policy of public works on the part of the state during business depression?

8. Discuss the various phases of business cycle:
a. Are cyclical fluctuations necessary for economic growth?
b. Suggest appropriate fiscal and monetary policies for depression


1. Define Marketing Management. Discuss the various management philosophies. Explain how the marketing and selling are contrasted and briefly explain the societal marketing concept.

2. Explain the various factors influencing a company's marketing strategy with the help of suitable examples.

3. What is marketing research? Discuss the marketing research process with the help of an example. Briefly explain the different sources of data.

4. What do you mean by productivity analysis? Differentiate between productivity analysis and profitability analysis. What are the different steps in the direct and indirect approaches to marketing budgeting?

5. What do you mean by media scheduling? Explain the procedure for evaluating advertising programs with the help of suitable examples.

6. Define sales promotion and discuss the different elements of promotion-mix with the help of suitable examples.

7. Discuss the marketing plan for a consumer product of your choice and briefly explain the marketing planning process.

8. Write short notes on any three of the following
a. Relative Market Potential                       d. Product life cycle
b. Competitive Parity Analysis                    e. Market segmentation
c. Basic Elements of a Marketing Strategy

Accounting  for managers

1. (a) What do you understand by the concept of conservatism? Why it is also called the concept of prudence? Why it is not applied as strongly today as it used to be in the Past?

(b) What is a Balance Sheet? How does a Funds Flow Statement differ from a Balance Sheet ? Enumerate the items which are usually shown in a Balance Sheet and a Funds Flow Statement.

2. (a) Discuss the importance of ratio analysis for inter-firm and intra-firm comparisons including circumstances responsible for its limitations .If any (b) Why do you understand by the term ‘pay-out ratio'? What factors are taken into consideration while determining pay-out ratio? Should a company follow a fixed pay-out ratio policy? Discuss fully.

3. From the ratios and other data given below for Bharat Auto Accessories Ltd. indicate your interpretation of the company's financial position, operating efficiency and profitability.


Year I

Year II

Year 3

Current Ratio




Acid Test Ratio




Working Capital Turnover (times)




Receivables Turnover




Average Collection Period (Days)




Inventory to Working Capital




Inventory Turnover (times)




Income per Equity Share




Net Income to Net Worth




Operating Expenses to Net Sales




Sales increase during the year




Cost of goods sold to Net Sales




Dividend per share

Rs. 3

Rs. 3

Rs. 3

Fixed Assets to Net Worth




Net Profit on Net Sales















4. Bose has supplied the following information about his business to Summary of Cash book for the year ended 31st March, 2004 is as follows :

Assets and Liabilities

On 1st April 2003

On 31st March, 2004

Sundry debtors
Sundry creditors












To Opening balance
To Cash sales
To Receipt from debtors
To Misc. receipts
To Loan from Dass @ 9%
per annum (taken on 1.10.2003)



By Payments to creditors
By wages
By Salaries
By Drawings
By Sunday office expenses
By Machinery purchased (on 1.10.2003)
By Closing balance






Discount allowed totaled Rs.7, 000 and discount received was Rs.4, 000. Bad debts written off were Rs.8,000. Depreciation was written off on furniture @5% per annum and machinery @10% per annum under the straight line method of depreciation. The office expenses included Rs.5, 000 paid as insurance premium for the year ending 30th June, 2004. Wages amounting to Rs.20, 000 were still due on 31st March, 2004.

Prepare trading and profit and loss account for the year ended 31sl March, 2004 and the balance sheet as on that date

5. What procedure would you adopt to study the liquidity of a business firm?

Who are all the parties interested in knowing this accounting information?

What ratio or other financial statement analysis technique will you adopt for this.

6. From the following particulars, determine the bank balance as per pass book of Priya & Co. as on 28th February 2008.

a) Credit balance as per cash book on 28th February, 2008 was Rs. 15,000

b) Interest charged by the bank up to 28th February Rs. 500 was recorded in the pass book.

c) Bank charges made by the bank Rs. 125 were also recorded only in the pass book.

d) Out of the cheques of Rs. 25,000 paid into the bank, cheques of Rs. 18,750 were cleared and credited by the bankers.

e) Two cheques of Rs. 7,500 and Rs. 15,000 were issued but out of them only one cheque of Rs. 7,500 was presented for payment up to 28th February.

Dividends on shares Rs. 4,500 were collected by the bankers directly, for which Priya & Co. did not have any information.


A company manufactures a single product in its factory utilizing 600% of its capacity. The selling price and cost details are given below



Sales (6,000 units)


Direct materials


Direct labour


Direct expenses


Fixed overheads :






Selling and Distribution









12.5% of factory overheads and 20% of selling and distribution overheads are variable with production and sales. Administrative overheads are wholly fixed. Since the existing product could not achieve budgeted level for two consecutive years, the Company decides to introduce a new product with marginal investment but largely using the existing plant and machinery.

The cost estimates of the new product are as follows:

Cost elements

Rs. per unit

Direct materials


Direct labour


Direct expenses


Variable factory overheads


Variable selling and distribution overheads


It is expected that 2,000 units of the new product can be sold at a price of Rs. 60 per unit. The fixed factory overheads are expected to increase by 10%, while fixed selling and distribution expenses will go up by Rs. 12,500 annually. Administrative overheads remain unchanged.

However, there will be an increase of working capital to the extent of Rs. 75,000, which would take the total cost of the project to Rs. 8.75 lakh.

The company considers that 20o/o pre-tax and interest return on investment

You are required to
(a) Decide whether the new product be introduced.
(b) Make any further observation/recommendations about profitability of the company on the basis of the above data, after making assumption that the present investment is Rs. 8 lakh.

8. (a) What is Master Budget? How it is different from Cash Budget?

(b) What are the various methods of inventory valuation? Explain the effect of inventory valuation methods on profit during inflation. What are the provisions of Accounting Standard 2 (AS-2) with regards to inventory valuation?

Reference no: EM131243

Questions Cloud

The 1h nmr spectrum : Integrals for some of the resonances in the 1H NMR spectrum are higher than they should be due to the shear number of hydrogens in this compound
Write an article : Write an article
Evaluate mergers and acquisitions : Concept of business, forms and organisations of business, business strategy, financial management methods, allocation of capital and control of an organisation.
How much money require in order maximize the utility : How much total utility does the consumer receive
Management function and behaviour : What are the various methods of inventory valuation? Explain the effect of inventory valuation methods on profit during inflation. What are the provisions of Accounting Standard 2 (AS-2) with regards to inventory valuation?
Ssh or openssh server services : Write about SSH or OpenSSH server services discussion questions
Write reflective journal entries : Write reflective journal entries on any topic/concept related to elements of strategy.
Auditing and assurance : Notable operational challenges for 4X Heavy Ltd faced in 2012/2013 were but not limited to
Scope of issue from the ifrs : Please give suggestion and the scope of this issue from the International Financial Reporting Standard.


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