Making a hiring selection and assessing its impact

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Reference no: EM131687525

Question: Making a Hiring Selection and Assessing Its Impact

You are the head nurse of a surgical unit, a position that you have held for 6 years. You are comfortable with your role and know your staff well. Recently, the day charge nurse resigned. Two of your staff, Nancy and Sally, have applied for the position.

Reference no: EM131687525

Questions Cloud

Identify three human behavior trends : Identify three human behavior trends found in 21st century organizations.
Summarize the main idea argument points of the article : Summarize the main idea/argument/points of the article. Explain why this information is relevant or interesting
Discuss what type of leadership styles he displayed : Talk about the president featured and discuss what type of leadership styles he displayed.
Social media and social networks have impacted globalization : Discuss how social media and social networks have impacted globalization, What are some of the pros and cons of globalization and free trade?
Making a hiring selection and assessing its impact : You are the head nurse of a surgical unit, a position that you have held for 6 years. You are comfortable with your role and know your staff well.
Which two grads would you choose and why : You are the supervisor of a critical care surgical unit. For the past several years, you have been experimenting with placing four newly graduated nurses.
Maximize the annual return on its investment portfolio : A bank is attempting to determine where its assets should be invested during current year. Help bank to maximize the annual return on its investment portfolio,
What virtues do you think the characters have or try to have : What virtues (if any) do you think these characters have or try to have? Do any of the virtues from the background readings apply to any of these characters?
Describe the organizational and product-life cycle : Describe the organizational and product-life cycle and explain how it can influence a firm's choice of strategy.


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Management Theories Questions & Answers

  Strategies or approaches for implementing changes

What are the three commonly used strategies or approaches for implementing changes in an organization. Give an advantage and/or disadvantage for each type of approach.

  What are the characteristics of a learning organization

What are the characteristics of a learning organization? -  How can an organization harness intellectual capital to create a learning organization?

  Denied a promotion to a male employee

A female manager who denied a promotion to a male employee had said a few months earlier "that's what we need [around here], a little more diversity."

  What type of career are you planning to pursue

What type of career are you planning to pursue? How will your specific career use data, information, business intelligence, and knowledge?

  Define the global expansion plans

The company has not only faced some setbacks in its global expansion plans (although business in China was said to be growing rapidly again in 2010).

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A black employee was subjected to a number of incidents at work, including racial epithets, threats, greasing of his truck, dead mice placed in his truck.

  Identify the kinds of process gains and losses

When and How to Use Groups After reading the following scenario, break up into groups of three or four people and discuss the issues involved.

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On July 21, Boehmer, a customer of Birmingham Trust, secured a loan from that bank for the principal sum of $5,500 to purchase a boat allegedly being built for him by A.C. Manufacturing Company, Inc. After Boehmer signed a promissory note, Birming..

  Identify and briefly describe the three basic sales tasks

Identify and briefly describe the three basic sales tasks. Order processing is the routine handling of an order.

  Discuss the product lifecycle

State the stage that you believe each of the following products to be in and comment on how long, in years, you believe their lifecycle to be: drawing pins.

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