What virtues do you think the characters have or try to have

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Reference no: EM131687522


As you have been reading about virtue ethics, you may have been wondering about your own virtues. But it can be quite to tough for any of us to evaluation our own character in an objective manner. There are tools designed to help managers do self-assessments. One such tool is called the Values in Action Character Strengths Test.

For this module, take this test (it is free) and see what your results are. Do you think it is accurate in terms of describing your character strengths? How these strengths compare to the virtues discussed in the background readings? Any areas that you want to improve upon based on your results?

For the module, pick one or more of the following fictional characters:

1. Forrest Gump
2. Sheldon Cooper from Big Bang Theory
3. Walter White from Breaking Bad

What virtues (if any) do you think these characters have or try to have? Do any of the virtues from the background readings apply to any of these characters? Or do you think they follow some completely different code of ethics from what you read about it the background readings? I'm confident most of you in the class have a good familiarity with at least one of these characters, but if not feel free to pick another fictional character that you think is a good illustration of any of the concepts from the background readings.

Reference no: EM131687522

Questions Cloud

Social media and social networks have impacted globalization : Discuss how social media and social networks have impacted globalization, What are some of the pros and cons of globalization and free trade?
Making a hiring selection and assessing its impact : You are the head nurse of a surgical unit, a position that you have held for 6 years. You are comfortable with your role and know your staff well.
Which two grads would you choose and why : You are the supervisor of a critical care surgical unit. For the past several years, you have been experimenting with placing four newly graduated nurses.
Maximize the annual return on its investment portfolio : A bank is attempting to determine where its assets should be invested during current year. Help bank to maximize the annual return on its investment portfolio,
What virtues do you think the characters have or try to have : What virtues (if any) do you think these characters have or try to have? Do any of the virtues from the background readings apply to any of these characters?
Describe the organizational and product-life cycle : Describe the organizational and product-life cycle and explain how it can influence a firm's choice of strategy.
Establishing an improper frame early in negotiations : How do you prevent yourself from establishing an improper "frame" early in negotiations with unknown opponents because of your own prejudices or stereotypes.
How does creation myth set up the belief system : How does this creation myth set up the belief system for each culture? Remember to create a thesis that you will "prove" as you discuss these creation myths
Implementing a managed care system : You are the director of a home health agency that has recently become part of a managed care system. In the past, only a physician's order was necessary.


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