Justification of the need for alignment

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133011364

Kindly explain the following as i don't understand

  • A justification of the need for alignment between engagement practices and other corporate components in order that the full benefits of high engagement can be realised.
  • An identification of the principle drivers of employee engagement and an evaluation of the business benefits for both the organisation and thedifferent stakeholders.
  • An explanation of how job design, discretionary behaviour, role autonomy and organisational citizenship contribute to employee engagement within an organisation.
  • An identification and evaluation of the use of different diagnostic tools for measuring employee attitudes and levels of employee engagement.

A suggested 'employee value proposition' that proposes relevant strategies to raise levels of employee engagement and including at least two examples of measures to address any barriers.  The proposition should include relevant people resourcing, development, performance and communication strategies.

Reference no: EM133011364

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