Interaction devices

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM132517793

"Interaction Devices" Please respond to the following:

1. Touch screens are becoming extremely popular input devices for phones and tablets. Assess the value of touch screen devices related to human-computer interaction systems. Identify at least two advantages and two disadvantages of having touch screen devices in the workplace. Support your response by citing a quality resource.

2. Chapter 8 currently has the following subsections, keyboards and keypads, pointing devices, and speech and auditory interfaces. Predict what the subsections may be if this book were written 10 years from now. Justify your predictions.

Reference no: EM132517793

Questions Cloud

Digital signature algorithm : Are discrete logarithms fundamental to the Digital Signature algorithm (DSA) and the Diffie-Hellman key exchange algorithm ?
Big Data Analytics in the e-Healthcare industry : There are several benefits as well as challenges associated with the use of Big Data Analytics in the e-Healthcare industry.
Information risk planning and management : One of the eight (8) Information Risk Planning and Management step is to develop metrics and measure results.
Concerning windows forensic toolchest tool : Write a brief summary concerning "Windows Forensic Toolchest " tool. Need screen shots of the work with tools.
Interaction devices : Touch screens are becoming extremely popular input devices for phones and tablets
Collaboration and social media : While planning for a new project, a young developer mentions that she used Facebook as a collaborative group space for developing her senior project.
Discuss registry security information : You can focus your discussion on a particular type of incident or more broadly discuss registry security information.?
Compliance and regulations : Many recent breaches have involved payment card systems, otherwise known as point of sales (POS) terminals.
Human to computer interface : Everything we touch that is electronic has a Human to Computer Interface (HCI). Some companies put a lot of effort into the user experience;


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