How the company should approach staff motivation

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM132012912 , Length:

Case Assignment

Format: Informal Report (no front matter required)

Sunflower Foods is a medium sized manufacturing plant. The factory produces a wide range of bakery related items that are sold in large supermarket chains throughout the country. In the factory the organisation currently employees approximately 65 full-time staff and will have on-staff between 10 and 30 casual employees that it sources from a labour-hire company. There are 8 supervisors (promoted from the frontline with limited leadership experience). This part of the business would be described as blue-collar workers).

The business has identified its internal culture and low staff morale and motivation as a key area requiring attention. After attending an MBA program the CEO believes a team-based structure may help improve the motivation and morale of staff and ultimately drive-up productivity.

In your position as Head of Human Capital you have been asked to explore the idea and provide a report back to the CEO that covers three main themes.

1) The pros and cons of using teams and your recommendations of it as a potential strategy

2) How the company should approach staff motivation to improve engagement and morale

3) identify the key elements associated with driving effective strategic change associated with your strategy.

Word Limit: 3,000

Attachment:- Task explained.rar

Verified Expert

This paper is working on a small food manufacturing company, named Sunflower. A small case brief is given and it demanded few points to work on: First, it asked to introduce an overview of the report including the detailed discussion of the broader environmental context. It also provides an analysis of the key issues in the case. Then it described the appropriate conceptual frameworks to work on the company's core details. Then the report gives a set of recommendations and works on quality of argument in support of recommendations.

Reference no: EM132012912

Questions Cloud

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Molecules at the water-surface interface : What if we could make different liquids have increased surface tension like water? Which liquids would you choose to increase their surface tension and why?
How much money will be in your account 10 years from today : Suppose you invest $87743 today in an account that earns 14% interest annually. How much money will be in your account 10 years from today?
Reduce the greenhouse effect : What amazing properties should it have to reduce the Greenhouse Effect? What would you name your molecule (more imagination than technicality here)?
How the company should approach staff motivation : MGT701 - How the company should approach staff motivation to improve engagement and morale - The pros and cons of using teams and your recommendations
Decay series that begins with uranium or thorium : What is one of the natural radioactive decay series that begins with uranium or thorium. What are the likely end product and the number of alpha decay steps.
Compute the position in futures contracts : Compute the position in futures contracts that minimizes the variance of your hedged portfolio. What is the variance of the resulting?
What is the final temperature : If the heat released during condensation goes only toward heating the metal, what is the final temperature (in °C) of the metal block?
Tropical pacific incite variations in other parts : In need of help for the following: How could an ocean surface anomaly in the tropical Pacific incite variations in other parts of the world?



6/8/2018 7:56:50 AM

Weight: 40% Due Date: Monday 28 May at 5p.m (week 13 – note the course outline states week 12 – this is an error) Format: Informal Report(no front matter required) 5. Overall professionalism of report, readability, presentation including clarity of expression, accurate grammar and spelling.*Group assignments should include an appendix that includes a reflection on the group’ process (1/2 to 1 page not included in word count) 50 Total 400


6/8/2018 7:56:31 AM

Assessment Criteria Possible Marks 1. Introduction provides an overview of the report and includes a discussion of the broader environmental context (scan) that impacts this organisation. Provides an analysis of the key issues in the case. 70 2. Apply appropriate conceptual frameworks/models/theories/evidence. 100 3. Quality of argument in support of recommendations. 100 4. Develop a set of recommendations (approximately 6) on how to proceed. 80

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