How Marketing and Markets in the digital age influenced

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Reference no: EM132398706 , Length: word count:3500

Case Study Assignment -

Prepare an original case study which demonstrates how theories covered in this module have been applied in a particular company of your choice.

Please note the marketing issue addressed must have arisen in 2018. This requires you to collect secondary data (only) from a wide range of sources which then needs to link to theory and academic journal articles.

Before finalising your choice of company, you are advised to research and check that there is a wide range of suitable and up to date information available.

Please note you must NOT copy an existing case study.

You may need to do a situational analysis to provide further evidence. Such analyses would be placed in the Appendices rather than the main report. The main report should be the actual case study. You need to give an overview of the topic and why it is important now. An overview of the theory and why this is relevant before giving the story of how this has been used within the market area and the results achieved.

Total 3,500 words and Harvard referencing required throughout.

Reference no: EM132398706

Questions Cloud

Characteristics of the best sales organizations : Below are the 7 characteristics of the best sales organizations: 1. A customer-driven culture throughout the sales organization and firm.
Describe the intervention used for the change : For the first paragraph of your post, summarize some of the key information about your organization, the change you are discussing, and one or two key points.
Cio of a large financial services company : You are the CIO of a large financial services company. At age 53, you have been in the CIO position for more than eight years.
Describe social justice processes to address the barriers : There are many different situations that may arise in counseling, and these situations may require different responses. Counseling different populations may.
How Marketing and Markets in the digital age influenced : Prepare an original case study which demonstrates how theories covered in this module have been applied in a particular company of your choice
Early intervention strategies digital brochure : Early Intervention Strategies Digital Brochure - digital brochure for families of children in preschool-kindergarten that describes services and supports
Rainforests of the atsinanana in madagascar : What is the cultural significance of the Rainforests of the Atsinanana in Madagascar, and why is it so important to protect it?
What are some of the different tools : What are some of the different tools that managers can use to monitor external environmental factors?
Review tuckman five stage model of team development : For each stage of team development, describe the importance of collaborating and enlarging.


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