Describe social justice processes to address the barriers

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Reference no: EM132398707

Assignment: There are many different situations that may arise in counseling, and these situations may require different responses. Counseling different populations may require special considerations as well. This assignment will assist you in determining these situations and how to ethically respond.

The topic is on adults

Create a 12- to 15-slide Microsoft PowerPoint presentation on Adults. Include the following criteria in the presentation:

• Summarize a literature review of at least five journal articles published within the last 10 years related to major ethical and legal issues pertinent to diagnosis and treatment, and research and testing with your chosen population.

• Describe challenges of web-based counseling relative to your chosen population.

• Describe how to apply multicultural competencies when counseling your chosen population.

• Identify social barriers that impede access, equity, and success for clients.

• Describe social justice/advocacy processes to address these barriers.

• Pose provocative questions to the class that stimulate critical thought about counseling this population.

Include graphics, videos, or other multimedia, as relevant.

Include appropriate ACA and AMHCA ethical codes and standards.

Format any citations within your presentation according to appropriate course-level APA guidelines.

Reference no: EM132398707

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Describe social justice processes to address the barriers : There are many different situations that may arise in counseling, and these situations may require different responses. Counseling different populations may.
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Write a Review

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