How does this transform change management

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM132403893

1. Why is it important to ensure alignment between the business processes, the architecture, and the vision of the organization?

2. Why is it so important to establish an Enterprise Architecture Governance framework?

3. Describe some of the most important characteristics relevant to EA governance

4. How does this transform "change management"?

Reference no: EM132403893

Questions Cloud

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What are the negative effects of poor data : From this chapter, in addition, the previous ones, we continue to enhance our knowledge and understanding about IG best business practices, and how good.
How does this transform change management : Describe some of the most important characteristics relevant to EA governance. How does this transform "change management"?
How the courts are denying the victim the right : If that right is getting taken away from them, then this is a clear representation of how the courts are denying the victim the right to participate
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Rescission of the purchase agreement : Could the buyer force the seller to sell at a reduced price, or was rescission of the purchase agreement his only remedy?
Software code affect the overall security of the system : How does the source of your software code affect the overall security of the system? Justify your position for a general system.


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