How does the methodology look at risks related to the offend

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Reference no: EM133485389

Specifically, your paper should do the following:

Select two risk assessment methodologies to analyze: one risk assessment methodology for intake process and a different risk assessment methodology for reentry into society.

Question 1: Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the risk assessment methodology related to the intake process. Consider the following question in your paper:

Question 2: How does the methodology look at risks related to the offender such as sex, age, criminal history, substance abuse, and behavior health needs?

Question 3: Discuss advantages and disadvantages of the risk assessment methodology related to reentry into society. Consider the following questions in your paper:

Question 4: How does the methodology look at family situations?

Question 5: How does the methodology look at employment possibilities?

Question 6: How does the methodology look at services such as health care and mental health and housing?

Reference no: EM133485389

Questions Cloud

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How does the methodology look at risks related to the offend : How does the methodology look at risks related to the offender such as sex, age, criminal history, substance abuse, and behavior health needs?
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