Is this phenomenon unique to our country

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133485392


Black Friday is long past. Its name derives from the moment a store transitions from the "red" to the "black". In other words, Black Friday is the time that retail stores begin to show a profit for the year. Many of us have been watching clips of crazy customers fight over heavily discounted merchandise on YouTube. Some of you may have been active participants! A large number of these stores began their Black Friday sales as early as 8:00pm on Thursday...Thanksgiving evening! Imagine sitting down with family and friends, wolfing down the turkey and running to the store just to relieve your accomplices who are holding your place in line. Unbelievably, some families spent Thanksgiving in the Best Buy parking lot! Answer the following questions in any order you desire.

(1) What role does commercialization have in a democratic/capitalist nation-state?

(2) Is this phenomenon unique to our country?

(3) Which of our readings address the importance and/or disdain for this degree of commercialization?

Reference no: EM133485392

Questions Cloud

Determine the likely consequences of the introduction : Determine the likely consequences of the introduction of gaming entertainment into your state (Illinois), or if your state already allows gaming
What values are reflected in these reforms : Why are reforms more successful at the local level? What values are reflected in these reforms?
What powers does the Vice President have : What powers does the Vice President have? If you were President, how would you use your Vice President? Would you ever want to be Vice President?
You will be revisiting wicked good cupcakes and their : In this assignment, you will be revisiting Wicked Good Cupcakes and their decision to add more expensive technologies to their company.
Is this phenomenon unique to our country : What role does commercialization have in a democratic/capitalist nation-state? Is this phenomenon unique to our country?
What was the significance of quetzalcoatl : What was the significance of Quetzalcoatl? What were the major causes of war between the Powhatans and the English settlers?
Analyze how your personality might influence : Analyze how your personality might influence how you lead and how you follow. Draw on your professional and personal experience to provide examples.
How does the methodology look at risks related to the offend : How does the methodology look at risks related to the offender such as sex, age, criminal history, substance abuse, and behavior health needs?
Six parts of government as column headings : List the major roles and responsibilities for the six parts of government as column headings


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