Discuss the history of policing

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Reference no: EM133485385

Question 1. Discuss the history of policing.

Question 2. Identify the roles and responsibilities of modern police officers to include major issues facing police today.

Question 3. What are the difference between proactive and reactive policing?

Question 4. Give scenarios/examples of both proactive and reactive policing.

Reference no: EM133485385

Questions Cloud

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What is meant by the phrase-dual-benefit solutions : With respect to bilateral disaster management assistance, what is meant by the phrase: "dual-benefit solutions?" Describe and explain
Discuss the history of policing : Discuss the history of policing and Identify the roles and responsibilities of modern police officers to include major issues facing police today
What is the values dilemma presented : Who is responsible for resolving this dilemma? How would you define success? How would other stakeholders define success?
Describe a supply chain operational problem : Describe a supply chain's operational problem, including the factors contributing to the problem, that you have experienced yourself or that you have observed
Describe the key roles and responsibilities of the federal : Describe the key roles and responsibilities of the federal government, the state and local governments and private industry in what we call Homeland Security.
Which disaster management capacities : What are the three general types of structures on which disaster management capacities are organized. Identify and describe.


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