What is the values dilemma presented

Assignment Help Business Law and Ethics
Reference no: EM133485384


You are a postal service worker who has been working for the same city neighborhood for the last 5 years and an older adult asks you to leave a package to save them a trip to the post office, but you're not supposed to leave packages unattended.


1. What is the values dilemma presented? What values seem at issue as you define the problem?

2. Who are the stakeholders and how would they define the problem? What are the values of greatest importance to these stakeholders?

3. What is at stake for you? What are your values? Are there motives that may be persuading you in one direction instead of another?

4. What are the facts that need to be considered? What assumptions are you making?

5. Are there values in conflict now that you have a better understanding of the problem?

6. Are there assumptions that should be tested prior to making the decision?

7. How might you go about testing these assumptions?

a. Who is responsible for resolving this dilemma?

b. How would you define success? How would other stakeholders define success?

c. What are the options available to you? List the positive and negative for each of these options

  • What options best satisfy your core values while acknowledging and faithfully considering the values of other stakeholders?
  • How will you implement your chosen option and mitigate negative impact?

Reference no: EM133485384

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