How does relationship effect customer service

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM132858564

Question 1: We know that it is important to have a good working relationship between carriers and shippers to ensure a quality, professional delivery is made each time. What are some of the factors that we need to consider when we are looking to make a solid, positive relationship with our potential shippers? And how does our relationship effect customer service?

Reference no: EM132858564

Questions Cloud

Steps necessary for implementing recommended solution : It is good business practice to clearly outline the steps necessary for implementing the recommended solution. You must clearly indicate the steps
Describe the american public health association purpose : Describe the American Public Health Association's purpose and influence on the field of public health. Describe one public health topic supported by the APHA.
Determine the Budgeted sales for January : Ending inventory should be 20% of the next month's sales in units. February sales are expected to be 165,000 units. Determine the Budgeted sales for January
How much would he pay at the end of months : If a person borrowed Php 35,000 from a bank charging 12% simple interest. How much would he pay at the end of 18 months
How does relationship effect customer service : What are some of the factors that we need to consider when we are looking to make a solid, positive relationship with our potential shippers?
What is leaders in diversity : What is leaders in Diversity? What is the process of achieving this status?
What other statistic can name that is misleading : 99.99% of the rest of the population, the government believed that she was impoverished. What other statistic can you name that is misleading? Why?
Conservative and minimax regret approach : What is the recommended decision using the optimistic, conservative and minimax regret approach?
Make conclusions and predictions about a population : Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics are what we use to describe or summarize the data and make conclusions and predictions about a population.


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