How can one prevent knowledge from walking away

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Reference no: EM132598433

Question: Organizations globally use collaborative technologies (intranets/portals) to manage their corporate data. Many are also using social tools such as Teams and Slack for knowledge share, capture, and dissemination. They claim it saves time and produces work efficiency. Here are a few questions you must address:

• Do you believe such tools in the enterprise offer work productivity and efficiency?

• Do such tools challenge organizations on their knowledge sharing and retention strategy?

• How can one prevent knowledge from walking away when a person leaves an organization - especially in a world where social media exposes corporate knowledge easily.

• What security methodologies, including blockchain can an organization apply to protect the corporate enterprise?

Reference no: EM132598433

Questions Cloud

Find what price should the shares sell for at the end : Find what price should the shares sell for at the end of year two if the required rate of return is 0.12? Answer to the nearest cent, e.g $5.678
Relationship between the unions and intersections : Draw a Venn diagram to better understand the relationship between the unions and intersections described below and then use the set identities
What price should the shares sell for at the end of year two : What price should the shares sell for at the end of year two if the required rate of return is 0.12? Answer to the nearest cent, e.g $5.678
Business situations using predominant ethical theories : Analyze selected business situations using the predominant ethical theories, such as utilitarian, Kantian, and virtue ethics to guide ethical business decision
How can one prevent knowledge from walking away : How can one prevent knowledge from walking away when a person leaves an organization - especially in a world where social media exposes corporate knowledge.
Describe the difference between a fat ap and a thin ap : Describe the difference between a fat AP and a thin AP. What is needed to deploy a thin AP? Are there any security considerations to think about between.
Discuss new skills you acquired from the class : Based on the course content, discuss new skills you acquired from this class? How relevant are the new skills to your current and/or future profession?
Find what is the price today of a zero coupon bond : Find What is the price today of a zero coupon bond with a face value of $4,000 if the relevant market yield is 9% pa and with 2 years to maturity?
Determine how much will the dividend be at the end : Determine How much will the dividend be at the end of the fifth year? Answer to the nearest cent, e.g $5.678 should be entered as 5.68.


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