Describe the difference between a fat ap and a thin ap

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Reference no: EM132598432

Question: Describe the difference between a fat AP and a thin AP. What is needed to deploy a thin AP? Are there any security considerations to think about between the 2 different APs? (AP-Access Point). The response must be typed, double spaced, times new roman, font size 12 and must follow APA format.

Reference no: EM132598432

Questions Cloud

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Describe the difference between a fat ap and a thin ap : Describe the difference between a fat AP and a thin AP. What is needed to deploy a thin AP? Are there any security considerations to think about between.
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Determine how much will the dividend be at the end : Determine How much will the dividend be at the end of the fifth year? Answer to the nearest cent, e.g $5.678 should be entered as 5.68.
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