How basic discretion steps can help in countermeasures

Assignment Help Other Engineering
Reference no: EM132457318

Wikis for Learning and Collaboration

  • A wiki is a collaborative web site that collects and organizes content, created and revised by its users. The most well-known example is Wikipedia. Wikis are a way to grow a knowledge base around a particular content area, be it best practices in a particular field or how to use a specific piece of hardware/software. A hallmark of Web 2.0 is that it improves as more people use it and this approach underlies wiki-based learning. It is based on the idea that within any enterprise, a great deal of knowledge exists among the members. Sharing this knowledge and information can raise the organization's intelligence level, be it a university, an association, a corporation or club.

Question 1: How basic discretion steps can help in countermeasures?

  • Conduct your own research and post a short relevant summary of your findings. ( Post current information, not older than five years ). Use not more than three (3) references.

Reference no: EM132457318

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