How and why was blocking used in the design

Assignment Help Basic Statistics
Reference no: EM131762074

Question: Many people start their day with a jolt of caffeine from coffee or a soft drink. Most experts agree that people who take in large amounts of caffeine each day may suffer from physical withdrawal symptoms if they stop ingesting their usual amounts of caffeine. Researchers recruited 11 volunteers who were caffeine dependent and who were willing to take part in a caffeine withdrawal experiment. The experiment was conducted on two 2-day periods that occurred one week apart. During one of the 2-day periods, each subject was given a capsule containing the amount of caffeine normally ingested by that subject in one day. During the other study period, the subjects were given placebos. The order in which each subject received the two types of capsules was randomized. The subjects' diets were restricted during each of the study periods. At the end of each 2-day study period, subjects were evaluated using a tapping task in which they were instructed to press a button 200 times as fast as they could.66

(a) How and why was blocking used in the design of this experiment?

(b) Why did researchers randomize the order in which subjects received the two treatments?

(c) Could this experiment have been carried out in a double-blind manner? Explain.

Reference no: EM131762074

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