Unknown in the united states and europe

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM131762077

Between 1880 and 1920, the population of the Congo was slashed in half: some ten million people were victims of murder, starvation, exhaustion, exposure, disease and a plummeting birth rate. Why do you think this massive carnage has remained virtually unknown in the United States and Europe?

Reference no: EM131762077

Questions Cloud

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Explain why the sampling method used in the survey : A New York Times article on public opinion about steroid use in baseball discussed the results of a sample survey. The survey found that 34% of adults.
Unknown in the united states and europe : Why do you think this massive carnage has remained virtually unknown in the United States and Europe?
Discuss total fixed costs as a percentage of total net sales : prepare an estimate of total operating costs for 2017, assuming total fixed costs as a percentage of total net sales
Compare the information from the wikipedia entry : First, you will examine a specific entry from Wikipedia and check for changes that have occurred over a period of six months, and then you will compare
How and why was blocking used in the design : Many people start their day with a jolt of caffeine from coffee or a soft drink. Most experts agree that people who take in large amounts of caffeine each day.
Comparing the distributions of cardiovascular fitness gains : The manufacturer of exercise machines for fitness centers has designed two new elliptical machines that are meant to increase cardiovascular fitness.


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