Find and test alternative solutions

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM1330635

Identify a situation that you know about where a new solution needs to invented - a situation that has not responded well to currently available solutions. This situation can be work related or otherwise. How describe how you could use prototyping to find and test alternative solutions quickly and at a low cost.

Reference no: EM1330635

Questions Cloud

Explain the hr job position : Propose how you would ensure the HR strategy is in alignment with the business strategy - Explain the HR job position and the responsibilities listed for that HR department
Explain important information about ecommerce : What other trends do you see occurring in eCommerce today - Explain important information about ecommerce
Illustrate what would the total price : Illustrate what would the total price be at 99,000 miles rounded to the nearest dollar amount.
Employees feel empowered and share control in organization : Learner is provided with a discussion on how a leader can allow employees to feel empowered and share control in the organization leading to a more effective and efficient organization.
Find and test alternative solutions : How describe how you could use prototyping to find and test alternative solutions quickly and at a low cost.
Imagine that the array is unsorted : Write down a method, removeAll, that takes three parameters: an array of integers, the length of the array, and an integer, say, removeItem. The method should find and delete all occurrences of removeItem in the array.
Explain regulatory trends occurring in ecommerce : Regulatory trends occurring in eCommerce - Identify, and explain, two regulatory trends occurring in eCommerce.
What is a decision model : What is a decision model and what are the three types of inputs common to decision models?
How will you explain how arrays are used : If you were explaining an array ti a friend who is learning Java. how will you do so?


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