Calculate the expected value of returns of stock

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM13762

1.Harvey's Muffler offers a full refund to anyone who is not satisfied with the  replacement of mufflers. The owners believe the muffler repair  results from car to car are independent and that the probability a customer will ask for refund is 0.30.Suppose a random sample of six cars is observed what is the probability of  two refunds in six cars.  
Consider this situation to be a binomial experiment,  use Minitab to generate a probability distribution two refunds in six cars  and graph and discuss the probability distribution  . What is the probability that two customers will ask for refund?

2. The following data relates to the return of stocks (A & B) depending on the state of Canadian economy in 2013.

Using Minitab

(a) Calculate the expected value of returns of stock A & B ?
(b) Calculate the variance of returns of Stock A & B?
(c) Which stock would you prefer to invest? And why?

3. The distribution for the number of defects per tile made be Heritage Tile is Poisson distributed with a mean of 3 defects per tile. The manager is worried about the high variability.


Using Minitab and generate the poisson distribution and comment on the spread in the distribution of possible defects.

4. Lorained Corporation is planning to market a new makeup product. According to the analysis made the financial department of the company, it will earn an annual profit of $4.5 million if the product has high sales, it will earn an annual profit of $1.2 million if the sales are mediocre and it will lose $2.3 million a year if the sales are low. The probabilities of three scenarios are 0.32, 0.51 and 0.17 respectively.


Using Minitab estimate the expected value of its profits (in millions) and standard deviation of profits.

Reference no: EM13762

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