Features and functions of the ai technology

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM132301349

Features and functions of the AI technology Is it used in the public and/or private sector and how is it used? If both, are there different needs?

Reference no: EM132301349

Questions Cloud

What are some of the largest employers : What do you imagine are some of the greatest challenges facing them in terms of information management?
Find the average time customers wait for ambulance : Find the average number of customers waiting. Find the average time customers wait for an ambulance.
Identify the elements of the tort cause of action : Demonstrate your understanding of legal terminology and incorporate legal terminology where relevant. Specifically, identify the elements of the tort cause.
What have you learned that is new about the technology : What have you learned that is new about the technology, where do you see it going over the next few years (this should be based on what you have researched
Features and functions of the ai technology : Features and functions of the AI technology Is it used in the public and/or private sector and how is it used? If both, are there different needs?
Explain the ruling of the court in detail : Each case law analysis allows you to express yourself as clearly and fully as possible in dissecting a court decision. The purpose of the assignment is two-fold
How does ai technology utilize networks are there risks : How does AI technology utilize networks are there risks, constraints, dependencies?
Company handle change management : How does your company handle change management?
Ai-based expert systems and ai-based simulators : What are similarities and differences between AI-based expert systems and AI-based simulators?


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