Explain the primary factors that affect labor supply

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM131698058

1. Explain the primary factors that affect labor supply and labor demand. Which factors are most important to consider?

2. What workforce planning tactics should you use to address a labor surplus? Why do you think many companies immediately implement a layoff when faced with a labor surplus?

3. Explain the impact environmental factors have on managers' workforce planning decisions. Which environmental influences do you think will have the greatest impact on workforce planning in the next five years?

Reference no: EM131698058

Questions Cloud

What are the interpretations advanced by each author : What is each author arguing? What are the interpretations advanced by each author? Which interpretations do you find most persuasive, and why?
Impacts on employee relations : Analyzes punitive approaches and explains their impacts on employee relations, using specific examples
Analyze the general importance of r and d in organization : Write a paper to discuss and analyze the general importance of R&D in and organization and then specifically analyze your own R&D strategy.
What was the book value of the bond : Garcia, Inc. decided to issue bonds to raise capital for a new acquisition. What was the book value of the bond at the end of the second year
Explain the primary factors that affect labor supply : 1. Explain the primary factors that affect labor supply and labor demand. Which factors are most important to consider?
Explain the general force in the societal environment : Explain the general forces of sociocultural, technological, economic, environmental, and political-legal, in the societal environment.
What was your initial strategy for r and d : What was your initial strategy for R&D? Did that strategy work well? What did you change in regard to R&D as the rounds progressed, and why?
Discuss the importance of research in marketing : Define the Five-Step Marketing Research Approach and discuss the importance of research in marketing.
Create a technology plan for your nab company : Create a technology plan for your NAB company using the template in the text as a guide.


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